I applied for a newly listed shop with A Closer Look. After applying I received a message stating I would know within 24 hours if the shop was assigned to me. Two days later the shop was still posted, so I applied again. The next day I received a general email from A Closer Look soliciting shoppers for this same shop.

I emailed the scheduler from A Closer Look and said I was disappointed in their practices. I had applied for several shops and had not received any assignments. In my email I stated that I was no longer interested. This is the response I received:

"There are many shoppers that have applied for this shop. I have not begun assigning the major bulk of November shops. I can tell you this shop will be given as a thank you shop to whichever shopper can help me with one of the difficult to fill shops."

I felt like I was being held hostage. I have never had this happen with another company. Has anyone encountered this situation with them before????

An hour later the shop was assigned to me. Instead of accepting it, I canceled with the reason being that in my email I stated I was no longer interested. That shop is still open, after I was told there were many shoppers who had applied for this same shop.

This didn't sound like a good business practice to me, so I am distancing myself from A Closer Look.

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This is typical of ACL. They will assign you the desirable shops only if you agree to do 1-2 of the hard-to-fill shops.
I think it must depend on the region/scheduler. I have NEVER had that happen for their
DMV shops (District, MD and VA suburbs = DMV in local parlance.)

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
It is also common that just because you apply for an open shop, doesn't mean you'll automatically get it. There are always other factors - a 'thank you' such as in this situation, you're not what they're looking for, rotations, etc. I think other companies do this too, where they reward shoppers who do hard-to-fill shops.
I've been with them for about 14 years? They haven't done that to me. I have read in the forum of them doing it with other shoppers, though.
It's a hit or miss on which of their shops has a 'difficult' shop they want you to take before you get one of their 'premium' shops. I don't get offended though if I don't get assigned one of the 'non self-assigned' shops.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
They've only been pulling this trick within the last year or so with me. I do shops in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. Perhaps it depends on their schedulers.
They've recently inquired if I could complete an assignment in conjuction with a shop I applied for. I politely declined. Still got the shop. Gotta play hardball - politely.
@Professional Guest wrote:

They've recently inquired if I could complete an assignment in conjuction with a shop I applied for. I politely declined. Still got the shop. Gotta play hardball - politely.

Exactly. Act as a professional, be treated as a professional.

Very infrequently shopping the Greater Denver Area, Colorado Springs and in-between in Colorado these days.
Hey guys, get with the program. Why turn off shoppers, whom you seem to like, with this approach?

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2017 03:21PM by RobinMarie.
Their editors seem to be not on the same page. Instructions: three sentences. Editor: you need six minimum. Shop:I see xxx number employees. Editor: that is incorrect the store may only have xxx on shift. Do you really want the truth or not?
Take it, or leave it. Holding a plum hostage to book a prune shop is indeed a common practice. It can sometimes be worked to one's advantage.
I do one shop for ACL and I always ask for a bonus. I text the scheduler to get it. She has tried guilting me into taking pizza shops.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2018 02:55AM by HonnyBrown.
I agree with others it might depend on your scheduler. This was one of my first MSCs I signed up and shopped for and I’ve always taken the more popular shops and have never done any that sit on the boards for a long time because they aren’t worth the time in my opinion. I’ve never been asked to take additional shops to get one I applied for. I have gotten every shop since the beginning I wanted unless another shopper beat me to applying for it in which the scheduler would email me and tell me that was the reason I didn’t get it. I shop central and southern Ohio so possibly just depending on the area and scheduler for that area might determine how they handle their shops.
@walesmaven wrote:

I think it must depend on the region/scheduler. I have NEVER had that happen for their
DMV shops (District, MD and VA suburbs = DMV in local parlance.)

the scheduler just sent out an email to for their "desired" toy shop with stuff animals if we take those nasty pizza shops. I haven't received one of those emails in months but I guess since the stuffed animal shop is back in rotation the emails commence.
Tes, right after I posted I got the email about that pairing. I thought that was a shop that someone really might want enough to do the pizza shop. Those toy shops seem to be HIGHLY coveted among parent and grandparents.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I considered it heavily but I hate bribes. I don't even have children but I want to do the shop for me! My niece hates stuffed animals but she'd be my decoy so I can get one....sad smiley
Rooper you are listed as a new participant with one month experience. I realize that does not mean you are a new mystery shopper but if you have not shopped ACL (and many other companies that have a list of dedicated shoppers with a track record with them and will consider them before a brand new to them shopper) you will have to prove yourself before you are assigned a shop that is valued and sought after by other shoppers. In the case of the email you received it is possible that the scheduler did not take the time to look at each shop for this month to see how many applied but just made a general statement. The fact that you got it might mean no one else did apply or they liked your writing style and decided to give you a chance.
The threads started about the hostage situation for ACL shops a few months ago but I have not had an issue. There are not that many hot shops in my area right now. I like the shops you have to supposedly take in order to get one of the others so I don't mind doing that but if I cannot I can just point out to the scheduler that I am a regular shopper for those pizza shops and that covers the issue.
Be aware that if you are easily insulted by emails you receive like this you will end up not having any of the bigger shops to do. If you want to go beyond the check off boxes shops with $5 pay this is part of the business.
Don't read too much into it.
I applied with ACL for a shop with a popular restaurant chain. I was even told I could have it if I was willing to take a pizza shop. I did that particular shop once before, and there were so many timings I was practically nauseous. I spent the whole trip hoping none of my stopwatches would malfunction. I did fine for that one shop, ACL was happy, but I vowed never again. I just thanked the scheduler, and told her I wouldn't be able to do that kind of trade. I got a cupcake shop I'd had my eyes on instead, so all went well. I'm hoping the cupcake shop will be a great one. I'm reading the directions obsessively and may call them the scheduler the day before if I have questions.
My father loooooooooooooooooves the pizza place they have so I do several per month. They are easy once you do them a few times. I can do them in my sleep now and in about 20 minutes, if that. I find they are easier to do if you start at the end and work your way forward. Because I do so many of those shops I can ask for many shops that are "premium" because when they ask me to do the pizza shop I do it or already did it.
I've never had it happen to me. But then again, I like the pizza shops. I can't understand why they are hated so much. Great for me that I get to do them so often and always with a bonus.
I have 2 different pizza chains from them in my area but I know you guys can’t say which one you shop or which one is really bad because we mentioned the MSC already. I have been shopping for ACL for about 1 1/2 years and so far have not completed any pizza shops. I will admit the negative feedback on the forum is mainly why I have not attempted them. I might try one since some of you think they aren’t too bad.
I had only completed 2-3 shops for ACL when I applied for one of their premium dining shops that was advertised in an email. There were no conditions attached to it. I was surprised they gave it to me and found the report not too bad at all. Of course it was reimbursement only, but it was so good. So, I took a bonused pizza shop this week just to see how it was. OMG, is all I can say. The report for the fine dining restaurant wasn't nearly as tedious. Plus, I didn't think the pizza was anything great. There are so many wonderful pizzerias around here, that in fact, I thought it was really not good pizza...typical chain food. I'd definitely do the fine dining again, but certainly not the pizza place. I can see why they are always begging to get it done.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I personally am not impressed with those kind of pizza places where there is the assembly line. I know it's nice to add the toppings, etc but i'd rather have pizza from a local place that is good. I guess i am used to nyc style pizza.
@Lissymaree wrote:

I have 2 different pizza chains from them in my area but I know you guys can’t say which one you shop or which one is really bad because we mentioned the MSC already. I have been shopping for ACL for about 1 1/2 years and so far have not completed any pizza shops. I will admit the negative feedback on the forum is mainly why I have not attempted them. I might try one since some of you think they aren’t too bad.

The one that did not pay until recently. Guidelines changed and now it pays. That should help w/o saying the client name
@SoCalDude wrote:

@Lissymaree wrote:

I have 2 different pizza chains from them in my area but I know you guys can’t say which one you shop or which one is really bad because we mentioned the MSC already. I have been shopping for ACL for about 1 1/2 years and so far have not completed any pizza shops. I will admit the negative feedback on the forum is mainly why I have not attempted them. I might try one since some of you think they aren’t too bad.

The one that did not pay until recently. Guidelines changed and now it pays. That should help w/o saying the client name

Thanks! I’ll figure it out I’ll check them out!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2017 02:20AM by Lissymaree.
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