nicelytwicely Wrote:
> I don't get emails from them -- is that the
> subscription thing? I only recently found that,
> and don't really understand it. All my options to
> subscribe were for shops I've never even seen.
> My experience so far has been good, but granted,
> it's only one shop! Maybe I got lucky with the
> scheduler -- she was incredibly nice, and went
> above and beyond many others I've dealt with at
> other companies.
No, that has nothing to do with "Subscriptions". They are just daily email notifications I receive from the Scheduler for a certain client, that we're getting extremely redundant. She says the same thing every day, and I am not doing those shops at that time of night for a mere $7, while putting on 400-450 miles on my car.
Subscriptions are where you are automatically assigned shop locations that you request. You will be rotated bi-monthly, if they are still even doing subscriptions anymore.