
I tried a search on this but nothing turned up.

Have they slowed down their payment schedule? Last year I did one shop for them and was promptly paid the middle of the following month. Last month they emailed me that I was approved by one of their bank clients, and I did 6 shops for them. I've yet to be paid for any of them.

I checked their website, and there is no information as to when they pay shoppers.


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The last shop I did for them was on the 19th of the month. It claimed to be paid on the 5th of the second month after performance, the check was not in hand until about the 19th, so it was a full two months between performance and payment.
I estimate you get paid about 45-60 days after your shop depending on the date you shop. They pay in two week increments, but very late. I've always received payment, just know it comes late.
The other thing ATH does is hold onto the checks.

So your shop log will say paid on the 15th, but when you look at the post mark for the check, it is often long past the 15th.

Went a few rounds on this with them -- they waited 6-8 weeks to "pay", marked the website as paid on the 15th, but by the 29th, the check still had not arrived. The checks were postmarked anywhere from the 31st-9th of the following month.

The reality for me is pay is about 3 months after the job has been completed, submitted, and accepted.
I haven't worked for them for a few months, but all my shops were paid at the end of the month following the shop, with the addition of a few extra days for processing the check and its receipt.
nicelytwicely Wrote:
> I haven't worked for them for a few months, but
> all my shops were paid at the end of the month
> following the shop, with the addition of a few
> extra days for processing the check and its
> receipt.

I have experienced that with them once. Usually it is around 60 days before I see payment.
Ath Power owes me quite a bit from July and August. Even though shops are marked paid, it can take as much as four weeks after that date. They do eventually pay.
I still haven't been paid for July. Now they're saying that the shops, supposedly paid on the 2nd, then supposedly mailed last Thursday, actually got paid and put in the mail yesterday.

What's worse, their website says to direct all payroll questions to the scheduler. I've been in touch with him, and, of course, he has nothing to do with writing checks, but he's been getting the brunt of my (and everyone else's) frustration.
Their pay policy has changed - [].

"Shopper pay is cut once a month – on the last day of the month for all shops completed the previous month. Example: All shops completed in July, checks are cut on the last day of August and will mail out within 4 business days (processing time). Processing time consists of signing, sealing, stuffing, metering and mailing through the U.S. post office."

Now that being said, I found my shops showing paid as of the 2nd. Four business days later would have put it leaving on the 8th. That means I should have seen something by the 13th. However, I too was told checks were mailed the middle of this week. Without any comments from them, I'm wondering if we can count on timely payments at all.
I asked the scheduler how Ath would like it if all the reports were two weeks late.
I find that the MS game is a game of coordination and calculations. Don't know if that is Physics or Math. All I know is if you need money by certain times. coordinate your shops with how those companies pay. Always read as much as you can about how they will pay you. If it is possible put the slower paying company shops all together for a special occasion like a birthday or Christmas. But if you got bills due find those companies that have set times when you can.
Oh and as usual I love the helpful information.
I finally received mine as well.

Paid for: 7/1 - 7/31
Check dated: 9/2
Postmarked: 9/14
Received: 9/17

What has been their typical history?
Erratic, irregular and slow.

Edited to add: Overall it smells to me as though shoppers get paid when they have received and cleared enough payments from clients to send out a shipment of checks. Since everybody seems to get paid at the same time for work done at about the same time, they haven't degenerated to paying Bank A shoppers only when Bank A finally pays the bill--whenever that may be.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2010 01:29AM by Flash.
They still owe me for July. The scheduler said they told her the check was mailed on the 16th. I still did not get it.
They do not respect their own paying schedule. I think they will go the way of About Face for me...
I was paid about two week's ago for all of July shops. I emailed the scheduler a few times, and was assured it would be paid. They do pay eventually. August will probably be paid in October.
Oh goodie! The September shops I foolishly accepted may get paid by Christmas! ::snark, snark::
Oh, wow. I've never had a problem with ATH. Is this something new, or have I just been lucky?
tgb Wrote:
> I tried a search on this but nothing turned up.
> Have they slowed down their payment schedule? Last
> year I did one shop for them and was promptly paid
> the middle of the following month. Last month
> they emailed me that I was approved by one of
> their bank clients, and I did 6 shops for them.
> I've yet to be paid for any of them.
> I checked their website, and there is no
> information as to when they pay shoppers.
> Anyone?

I have just started working with Ath. Before I conducted a shop for them, I inquired (several times) about their payment method (e.g., paypal or check). I finally got an answer, but was leary until I did. First shop with them is Monday.
I have so far been paid for 6 shops with them this year and the average number of calendar days to get paid is 50; with the shortest being 45 and the longest being 59. Even though they take a long time I find them very reliable. I have never had a problem with them.
LISA78 Wrote:
> I'm waiting for August and September pay now from
> Ath. Why are they so slow?

You're going to be waiting quite some time for that Sept. payment. In all honesty though, most MSPs have not paid for Sept. yet.
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