
But if you have to pay for that $3.44 for that box, it really turns into less than a $5 shop.

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And if they are reimbursing you for the box you still have a problem because you had to buy 25 of them to get ANY. When I was in a couple of office supply places within the past week anyway I checked and none of them sold single 13x13x13 boxes and in fact none of them HAD ANY boxes that size. It did occur to me, however, that we used to move records (remember those 33RPM vinyl things?) in liquor store boxes. Records were a little over 12x12 in their dust covers, so it may well be that a liquor store box may be 13x13x13.
Beulah, only the shipping company had the 30 minute rule.

It is notable that Maritz' site does not mention the loss of the shipping company nor who took it over. At least Gapbuster had the courtesy to do this when they los the FF company.
They did not say anything when they lost the drug store. They just gave the FF the drug store team instead of a different team scheduling it every month.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2010 02:55AM by Deech.
I wonder when the Maritz FF will be posted. I seems they should have been posted by now.
Gosh, those are expensive little boxes. And it appears that we are not allowed any discretion in choosing boxes larger than 13x13x13, such as those that we could find for free. (I wonder if the shipping companies employees find these little 13x13x13 boxes suspicious?)

It is interesting that the Scenario B (ReadyPost Shop) instructions say to bring in an item that will fit into a ReadyPost Mailer, with the destination address printed on the item, then put it into an approved ReadyPost Mailer. I guess the employees have xray vision. smiling smiley This also pretty much means that we will have to buy some sort of manilla envelope, another expense, and that kittle litter rattling around inside will be a bit obvious.

It will be interesting to watch and see who, if anyone, takes on these assignments, or if they will morf into something that makes sense for seasoned shoppers. I'm not holding my breath.

The Maritz shops were marginally profitable and only because they could be scheduled a round of shops in one day. Booking one shop on a specific afternoon would be crazy unless it just happens to be down the street from home or fall into a route of other jobs.

I'm wondering if Maritz is laughing about now.
I think shopping company employees find the big boxes, flat white boxes and flat envelopes suspicious. When standing in a long line I will watch those in front of me with white envelopes or boxes. If the envelope has a bulge or is misshapped they will not go into the standard ask all the questions. If they know the customer, a lot of times, they skip a lot of the questions. I get up there with my little box and they go into the whole song and dance.

When the shops first come out here some may stay on the board for a week or two after I have picked mine out. Some are still on the board after three weeks and the bonus has gotten smaller. I rotate with a shopper in a town that is an hour and half from me. The only reason I do that is my brother lives close and we can visit and I need postcards. That is also the town I will retire to the first of the year.

From where I live the time frame would get me if I had to go another town. In some cases the time frame would get me for the shops in town because of the hours I work.

I wish them luck.
I do alot of gas jobs for Maritz, but stayed away from the bank jobs. I too, thought it was too much work for $7. I do other jobs for $7, but they also involve food purchase which is reimbursed, and I usually do four of them at a time to make it work the time. Anything under $10 is too little for driving to and doing the job.
I like Maritz. They are consistent on the paycheck, and don't have to wait a full 30 days to get it. I do alot of gas jobs for Maritz, but stayed away from the bank jobs. I too, thought it was too much work for $7. I do jobs for others for $7, but they also involve food purchase which is reimbursed, and I usually do four of them at a time to make it work the time. Anything under $10 is too little for driving to and doing the job.
ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> The bank jobs are now up to $9.50.

They are slightly different.

They sent out an email the other day explaining the difference between the $7 and $9.50 shops.
ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> I saw no differences at all.

You are looking for/requesting different information. The $7 shops are for new account brochures. The $9.50 shops are for credit card information.
How often are the non-reveal gas jobs offered? Are they monthly? Or perhaps do they block out a shopper if he/she did them the previous month?
Depending on the client, some are on rotation.

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Lisa, Maritz must do different shops in difference regions. I just checked the internal notification on the $9.50 bank jobs and the scenario is still the same--"“Welcome to a Better Banking Experience” brochure, Rate Sheet(s) and a business card."

Unfortunately in a city as large as mine they are still too spread out to make sense to me.

Edited cause I kant spel under presur

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2010 08:37PM by ShopUntilYouDrop.
That is odd. About a week and a half ago I received their email supposedly sent to all shoppers explaining the difference between the three types of shops they have for that bank.
I guess all shoppers means shoppers who shop those banks. I don't think we even have those banks in our state.
Deech Wrote:
> I guess all shoppers means shoppers who shop those
> banks. I don't think we even have those banks in
> our state.

Maybe it just went to shoppers who had completed those assignments. I know of two other shoppers who received the email, but they both did a few of those shops.
Hi yall, anyone have experience with ShopServation? Thanks for all you-all do!
As we say here in Texas, 'preciate cha!
Martiz.... what part of my time is valuable is hard to understand?
My gas is not free. My camera takes batteries they are not free. My scanner was not free.

"Oh it will only take a minute or two at the most to run in and grab the papers...."
No those are with a banker one must SIT with a banker.....
Classic Maritz understatement. Either they are very short sighted or very manipulative. My vote was the manipulative which was why I walked away and terminated to stop the phone calls.

Edited to add: I think the most classic Maritz manipulation was a request that I go to a town 40 miles away for an $8 shop to help them out because their long time shopper in that community had died, so they needed a new shopper.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2010 03:51PM by Flash.
Oh Flash priceless- need a replacement for a deceased shopper.... never had them use that one on me YET!
They still have an appalling grasp of geography. I live in New York state, it's NOT the size of Rhode Island. If I want to go to NYC I would have to either drive 600 miles or go to a city 70 miles from here to the airport then fly for an hour to get there. It's not 43 miles away. Ironically, their mapping system also has me a ten minutes drive to Ohio.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2010 12:56PM by Cettie.
Cettie is right about their grasp of geography. On the map it is in 1/8 of an inch. On the ground it is 100 miles.
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