Gosh, those are expensive little boxes. And it appears that we are not allowed any discretion in choosing boxes larger than 13x13x13, such as those that we could find for free. (I wonder if the shipping companies employees find these little 13x13x13 boxes suspicious?)
It is interesting that the Scenario B (ReadyPost Shop) instructions say to bring in an item that will fit into a ReadyPost Mailer, with the destination address printed on the item, then put it into an approved ReadyPost Mailer. I guess the employees have xray vision.
This also pretty much means that we will have to buy some sort of manilla envelope, another expense, and that kittle litter rattling around inside will be a bit obvious.
It will be interesting to watch and see who, if anyone, takes on these assignments, or if they will morf into something that makes sense for seasoned shoppers. I'm not holding my breath.
The Maritz shops were marginally profitable and only because they could be scheduled a round of shops in one day. Booking one shop on a specific afternoon would be crazy unless it just happens to be down the street from home or fall into a route of other jobs.
I'm wondering if Maritz is laughing about now.