
Thus far they are not showing the jobs, only the certification materials from links in the email sent out.

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The invitation to take the test says reimbursment TBA. and there is no mention of the fee that I saw. It looks as if the major mailing co is trying to get this whole project done at the shoppers expense.
patnewman Wrote:
> It looks as if the major mailing co is trying
> to get this whole project done at the shoppers
> expense.

That would not surprise me though as they are the only company I know of that announces they are charging you insurance in case THEY mess up.
The front page of the Bare website has a link to click to take the test.

Edited to add: I don't understand the insurance reference, Lisa.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2010 09:45PM by Flash.
Flash Wrote:

> Edited to add: I don't understand the insurance
> reference, Lisa.

I may be just complaining but that is something that has always annoyed with that major shipping Co. WE have to pay the insurance in case they mess up. When we pay extra to insure a package it's not to make sure we don't mess up, it is in case they mess up. If they are the ones messing up, IMO, they should foot the insurance.
I am confused about insurance reference posted above...

The old MSC reimbursed for the insurance.
They always reimbursed the insurance as part of the overall shipping cost when it was required so I don't see the issue. Has that changed? I haven't done these in several years, but we always had to buy it if offered and claim the $50 value or less for the item.
No, no I'm not talking about the MSP. Sorry if that is where I confused everyone. I was talking about the shipping Co. themselves.
Ok. I was thinking you were talking either about the MSP vis-a-vis the shop or perhaps some new kink in an ICA. Yes indeedy pay for the shipper's mishandling. When I was doing eBay there were things solidly packed that still showed up broken. And claims are not easy. I remember a plate that was valued at at $45 I sold on eBay at $25 and insured for $50. The plate was well wrapped in lots of bubble wrap and in a sturdy box that showed up on the other end with 2 corners caved in. After a lot of hassle the recipient was reimbursed $25 and came back on me for the shipping expense . . . sort of adding insult to injury all the way around.
I received an email from Bare:

"We are pleased to announce that as of October 1st BARE will begin performing customer service evaluations at your local ****!"

I do not know if I am reading to much into email message, but it does say"at your local ****!", so maybe it is just some states or areas. The shops could be split between companies. I am in Virginia, if it matters.

There is a link on sign in page that will also take you to PDF on instructions. The link to the test is then on the PDF."
Thanks. I see the link on BARE site. I am not sure how I feel about this. I liked Maritz. But at least it's going to BARE which is also a pretty good company. Looks like the biggest change in the requirements is that while Maritz encouraged you to go during a specified day and time frame, BARE makes that a requirement.
yes they do most of my shops cost total 10 - 12 dollars
swvaboy Wrote:
> It did not say in the email I received, do they
> reimburse for shipping materials? If I have to
> buy a box for a DIM weight shop plus air bag
> packing material, that could cost abit.
None of that shows here either.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
They called today and it took three tries for us to catch up with each other. Everytime the scheduler called I was on the phone with the cops. I done got BIT again. This time a guest at the hotel where I work at stole my laptop with me in the kitchen just out of eyesight. Then before the cops get there they had used my credit card twice just down the road from the hote. . They even got my cell phone. Anyway after we talked about my day for a while I just came out and asked her. She said it was not unusual for companies to change after a while looking for a new perspective. They had been shipping for 7 years. She later said she looked it up and they are no longer shipping anywhere. She works on that team but only at night. It really did not seem to matter to her one way or another.
Well I know that I won't touch the bare shipping shops. They want you to get your own supplies? Not.
My Dim weight boxes were empty. The paper in the envelopes and small boxes was a pound of paper and went to a teacher at a school for the school to use. Maritz could not find shoppers for some places here so I could shop any day I wanted to get it done. If you nail me to one or two days and one or two days only , I can't do it because only 2 shops down the road , on a certain day, is not worth it.

I'm a new Maritz shopper and I was wondering if the 30 minute wait between shops applied to all of their shops or was it just for shipping shops?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2010 08:41PM by BEULAH.
It has been a while since I worked with them, but I believe that individual jobs will specify the amount of time between shops, if applicable. Realize that they apparently have just lost this client to another MSP.

Be aware that posting the client name in the same thread as the company name is not cool. It is a violation of your ICA you signed with them that indicates you will not reveal proprietary information and their client names are considered to be part of that. There is a little 'Edit' button in the lower right corner of your post and you may want to edit the post to say "shipping" rather than the client.
I have done a lot of shops for Maritz, many in multiples, and there has not been a 30-minute wait between shops.
AustinMom Wrote:
> I have done a lot of shops for Maritz, many in
> multiples, and there has not been a 30-minute wait
> between shops.

I think the 30 min. wait is just for the shipping shops.
I wonder how much those dimensional weight shops are going to cost----the empty box alone with the oversized surcharge fee added to it cost me over $30 the last time I sent one, now they want you to not only go out and buy the box from somewhere but also put 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds of something in there. I'm not about to be $40-$50 out of pocket for every one of those until I get paid---and for a measley $8 is nutso.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
My 'tonnage' in the boxes is usually ziplock bags of the cheapest type of kitty litter (new, not used--though it is tempting), so no huge expense there. And yes, the shipping cost of those were pretty outrageous. As for the boxes, a little investigation showed my cheapest supplier [] at $3.44 ea with a requirement to purchase 25 of the darn things at a time. But that would be more than the $45 required to get free delivery.

Edited to add: Just found that Staples has them cheaper! [] But still need to purchase a bundle of 25.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2010 09:31PM by Flash.
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