
has anyone had any trouble with this? I did a few shops but they need it scanned in a specific way. I tried it several time and just told them foget it. The shop each paid $7 (x2) Not worth it.

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"This" needs more elaboration for us to know what you mean.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
You need to resize scans and photos for submission. I use Pix Resizer...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Irfanview also works nicely

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
They have a bank shop that requires you to scan or take pictures of about 4 different dpcuments. They only pay half of what the other one pays.
prettygul1 Wrote:
> They have a bank shop that requires you to scan or
> take pictures of about 4 different dpcuments. They
> only pay half of what the other one pays.

The pay is low for those, but I've done a ton of them. You don't really have to "shop" the banker and the reports take maybe 2 minutes.
Lets be realist, how much real time does it take to drive to a bank, go in, meet with a banker, drive home, log in, scan documents, and report the results? This for SEVEN BUCKS? What are you thinking?

Walmart greeters do better than this.
They do not have any banks here, so I have no clue how they measure up to other bank shops I do and have done in the past. But I never had to take photos at a bank. I would be rather afraid to...with all the security and the Patriot Act...

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/19/2010 05:16PM by dee shops.
I do some platform shops for $15, but that is where I know the company, know that the bank will be unlikely to have a wait and can do it on some day other than a Friday. Most platforms I do pay $20 and up.
ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> What are you thinking?

I am thinking I added up the time it would take to go there (did not have to really drive to get there as the cities I was already shopping that day had 11 branches of that bank), talk to the banker, come home and scan the brochure, and then submit the report. When I added all that up and figured in what they were paying, I still ended up getting paid about $20 an hour on average. That worked for me.

As I said, you did not have to actually interact with the banker like a platform shop and the report had absolutely no narrative. When you do add up all that is involved and how long the report took, it is actually their most profitable job.
The shop itself is easy but uploading all that crap that you collect can be a hassel. So to me it is not worth it, compared to the $15.00 Platform shops where I can either scan or mail in the one business card.

lisams901 Wrote:
> ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What are you thinking?
> I am thinking I added up the time it would take to
> go there (did not have to really drive to get
> there as the cities I was already shopping that
> day had 11 branches of that bank), talk to the
> banker, come home and scan the brochure, and then
> submit the report. When I added all that up and
> figured in what they were paying, I still ended up
> getting paid about $20 an hour on average. That
> worked for me.
> As I said, you did not have to actually interact
> with the banker like a platform shop and the
> report had absolutely no narrative. When you do
> add up all that is involved and how long the
> report took, it is actually their most profitable
> job.
Forgive me, Lisa, I didn't intend to be rude. I never tried the bank shops so they may, as you said, be quite easy, and produce a decent profit.
ShopUntilYouDrop Wrote:
> Forgive me, Lisa, I didn't intend to be rude. I
> never tried the bank shops so they may, as you
> said, be quite easy, and produce a decent profit.

No problem. I can see where that would seem like a low fee, but they really do go quickly and the forms are among the fastest I've seen.
Okay, can someone tell me the secret of the Maritz pay schedule? Just when I think I've got it figured out, it changes. Sometimes it's every two weeks, sometimes the 15 and end of the month, sometimes I don't have a clue! I really need my checks to have the cash for the next round of shops.When the check doesn't come when I expect it to, it really puts a kink in my schedule. AND...there is no way to find out one the website when check are issued or mailed, or anything.

As you can guess, I didn't get the check I was expecting Saturday, it still didn't come today! Grrr
Grrr. Same here. Call payroll in the morning...:p

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
barbage Wrote:
> Okay, can someone tell me the secret of the Maritz
> pay schedule? Just when I think I've got it
> figured out, it changes. Sometimes it's every two
> weeks, sometimes the 15 and end of the month,
> sometimes I don't have a clue! I really need my
> checks to have the cash for the next round of
> shops.When the check doesn't come when I expect it
> to, it really puts a kink in my schedule.
> AND...there is no way to find out one the website
> when check are issued or mailed, or anything.
> As you can guess, I didn't get the check I was
> expecting Saturday, it still didn't come today!
> Grrr

Maritz pays on the 15th or first business day after for all jobs completed between the 16th and the end of the prevous month. And they pay on the 1st or first business day after all jobs completed between the 1st and 15th of the previous month. Most of the time it come as promised. I have had one time where they have been two days late, but only one time.
I've been registered with this company for some time, but to date, haven't done a shop. Just checked the job board and saw a shop very close to me, which I was tempted to take, just to get my feet wet.

However, I can't see any details on the shop -- am I missing something, or is that how they work? It touts the shop as "Easy!" but hey, we've all heard that before! It's lower-paying than most shops I'm accepting these days, and I don't want to accept and feel duped.

I'm curious about the shop, but mostly wondering if that's how their job board works, that you can't see details until you accept.
That is the way their board works. It does not have a dscription of the job or the report. After you accept, it gives you all the details and materials. In general, their jobs are easy, at least the ones I have done, and the pay is not bad. The pay promptly, too.
The bank job is very easy, with a 7 question report and no narrative.
nicelytwicely, sometimes some of their jobs will have a link at the center right of the box that will take you to a little info page about what is required. Not all the time though.
Thanks, all. I decided to move forward, and then I was asked questions, due to the site recognizing I hadn't yet done a shop. Not sure, but that might have been why I couldn't see more. After that, and pre-qualifying for the shop, I was able to get some additional information. In the end, I decided to pass. Can't be sure without seeing the form, but it looked like it might be too much work for the meager $7.00.
nicelytwicely Wrote:
> Can't be sure without seeing the
> form, but it looked like it might be too much work
> for the meager $7.00.

Everyone has different ideas of what a shop is worth, but I can say that as far as the form goes, I have not filled out a faster form, even with the uploads.
Not having seen the form, I can't really comment. But yes, seeing the required uploads also threw me off, especially since I've read about the difficulty some have had with resizing to the company's specifications.
Anyone done the post office shops...what do they send you, and is it a hassle.

Live consciously....
See my post at the end of "disillusioned" to find out how mad I am at Maritz. It is pretty ridiculous what those shops entail, for the $7.
Thanks Carol, I take your word for it, not reading other thread....I have problems with them not emailing, and having to call, and usually wait for a call back. The price isn't enough, that's my time...and why can't a scheduler send an email. This is a long problem I have with them, beside not liking their site.

Live consciously....
You're welcome. In fact you could say I am Mighty Mad at Maritz. They actually were pretty good to me up until now, except for almost treating you like a child with their phone call reminders. "just a friendly reminder, you have two shops due tomorrow." "Just a friendly reminder, you have a shop due today."
I think the entire Co. is outdated, and for me (not a techie) that's saying alot. I used to work for them (in the day) starting out, but got fed up, so, will keep looking for the "good ones".

Live consciously....
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