Maybe I'm being a bit too tough on MSCs, but today I had to take a stand with one of them.
In order to qualify for some of their shops I need to do a few certification exams. No trouble there, I've already come across those with other MSCs.
This time, however, the more exams I took (6 in total) the more frustrated I became. As seems typical, this particular company demands its shoppers provide perfect grammar and spelling in their reports. Now, how am I to take them seriously when EVERY SINGLE module I did contained not just a typo or spelling error, but a series of grievous grammar goofs (the dreaded GGGs!)
I began mentioning all the errors I found in the little comment box provided at the top of each section. By the 6th one, I caved and pretty much gave them heck. I am expecting a note saying "thank you for your application to our company but drop dead". That's okay though because the last comment I made contained a line about how I don't think we're a good match as I find their errors have made me question their ability to be considered a professional firm.
Yes, I'm a new shopper. No, I don't think I'm perfect but I really resent double standards (especially since some Shopper Agreements state: "Do you promise to use spellcheck?" LOL)