Bad impressions

Maybe I'm being a bit too tough on MSCs, but today I had to take a stand with one of them.

In order to qualify for some of their shops I need to do a few certification exams. No trouble there, I've already come across those with other MSCs.

This time, however, the more exams I took (6 in total) the more frustrated I became. As seems typical, this particular company demands its shoppers provide perfect grammar and spelling in their reports. Now, how am I to take them seriously when EVERY SINGLE module I did contained not just a typo or spelling error, but a series of grievous grammar goofs (the dreaded GGGs!) winking smiley

I began mentioning all the errors I found in the little comment box provided at the top of each section. By the 6th one, I caved and pretty much gave them heck. I am expecting a note saying "thank you for your application to our company but drop dead". That's okay though because the last comment I made contained a line about how I don't think we're a good match as I find their errors have made me question their ability to be considered a professional firm.

Yes, I'm a new shopper. No, I don't think I'm perfect but I really resent double standards (especially since some Shopper Agreements state: "Do you promise to use spellcheck?" LOL)

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I use spell check but it never has anything to do.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I like the red squiggly line under a word that I missed a letter typing too fast. It constitutes a spell check on the fly and for those companies that seem to think warehouse is two words, clues me in to their expectations. Also good for things like nametag, name tag.
I finished a grocery store, and went into detail about the coleslaw which was a sample and needed narrative. I got a markdown for mispelling cole??????? Who says spellcheck is always right....

Live consciously....
The spell check isn't always right ..... and sometimes it's funny. One of the companies I shop has a client with the word "WestBank" as part of its name. Whenever I type their name into a shop report, the spell checker pops up and tells me it is not correct: spell checker suggests "wetback." Sometimes not only is spell checker wrong, but also insulting and culturally incorrect. It bothers me. Every time I do a shop report I think I really should e-mail the MSC and tell them. I don't know, is there a setting that they could change to program the word - this is the part of the client's name at that location so it will happen every time someone does a shop for this client at that location. ????
I believe they do have the possibility of adding or deleting words from the list used for their reports. It is probably worth an email to try to get WestBank added if there are a bunch of shops, though that is a simple enough one to leave as an "Ignore All". And indeed I know of no usage of 'wetback' that is not derrogatory.
wetback....cannot believe that is in a dictionary somewhere, that is just rude. I use Microsoft Word for spell check, it is somewhat ok. If I believe spell check is wrong, I use to clarify. There is a grammar checker I like called WhiteSmoke, the free version only lets you check 150 characters at a time, unfortunately. I usually do not have too many errors to correct, unless I am in a hurry (those 4 hour or midnight deadlines). The problem for me is trying to figure out how the editors likes things. They all have different wants, whether it is the clients or the company, I don't know. I like the companies that provide me with sample narratives so I have an idea of what they expect. I got nailed for not double spacing between sentences for one company and nailed for double spacing for another.

Forgive my grammar and spelling on the boards. I am off duty.
I use Firefox as my browser, predominantly. It spell checks as I type. Underlines in red when I typo. Still, there's no substitute for proofreading.
I have a spelling checker,

It came with my pea sea.

It plane lee marks four my revue

Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Folks have commented in the past about the double space after a period, single space after a period dilemma. I always double space and have never been nailed, so I have to assume it is a particular company with whom I have not done work. The real issue is when you double space sometimes and single space some times. As long as you are consistent I think most companies will work with it either way.
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