Chase mystery shops

I have been shopping fora compnay that does financil mystery shops. After 6 months of dong excellent on time shops. I was informed last month I can no loger do any shops with with this bank becasue my accounts were closed. This is not true and I informed by sceduleder. She told me that this happens to many shoppers and all she had to do was contact the bank last week to clear up the mixup and that I should be reapproved by last Wednesday. Well its almost been a week and the bank has not cleared up the problem. It is seems also since the bank made the error the shopping compnay I have been working with for over 9 months would do something to make sure I am reinstated asap. They said it woudl only talk one week and now I am going on 2 weeks...
Any one else have this issue when doing a shop for Informars Shooping Service?
Any info would be very helpful as I am becoming some what skeptical of their organization.
Thank you

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And if you do get back to them the fee for the new company has dropped over half.... same questions....
If the bank shows you are not an account holder and has notified the MSP, then the MSP does not dare present them with a shop from you or the bank will declare it invalid. No point in assigning, performing or reporting the job. Bank slowness and stupidity are why I do no shops involving Bank of America or Chase any more AT ALL. I had to take BOA to their regulators after my last folly as a customer with them (money put into my account by the bank that was not mine and that I couldn't get removed from the account so I could close it and get out of there). Chase is equally inept.
I am doing Chase shops also, and the same thing has happened. I talked with Brad yesterday who apologized for this, and is working on it. He was shocked to find a batch of about 200 shoppers who supposedly no longer have accounts, and he is wading through it one by one.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2010 03:48PM by 57carol.
Carol, remove the name of the MSC from your post. Your have violated your ICA by discussing the MSC name and the client name in the same thread.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
So hit the edit button and take the name of the bank out, Carol.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I have done shops for several banks but this is the most quirky of them all. They now have a shop where you are supposed to accept a credit card and hold it for six months. So they pay you a fee for the shop and then they charge you 15% interest if you ever use the card. Also, you sign that you would not use any offers you may get as a regular customer if you do shops for them. That is insane. No thanks.
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