Shopper Employment Agency

Has anyone heard of the Shopper Employment Agency? There is a fee to join and I have heard never pay but this one sounds promising.???

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There is NEVER a need to pay to shop. I have not heard of this specific one. The ones I have heard of offer you lists of jobs--there are lists for free on and on the MSPA website and on and here. Now if these guys want to pay you a SALARY AND BENEFITS to shop, that could be something else again. But there is absolutely nothing to stop me or you or anyone else from putting a notice out there on the web that for $$ we will find you work as a shopper, then just turn around and use the free resources to send you some places to sign up and look.
The first thing that stood out to me was the "employment" part. Shoppers are not employees.
This is true. The employment part just reminded me of scam emails my unemployed mom started getting after she began signing up on job sites. They all offer employment and promise so many hours of work a week. That is what I tell her is usually the giveaway that it is a scam. A legit MSP will not promise a certain amount of weekly work.
True. I agree, Lisa.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
True enough. And there are a wide array of scams out there. Several years ago I applied for a specific position with a local and very legitimate company I found through one of the aggregating websites like The contacts in the ad were correct and there was, indeed, a job opening. Since that time I get almost weekly emails saying they saw my resume on the web and were impressed. They have a management position for me paying $75,000 per year (or more) and I should immediately contact HR. It is 'signed' by someone with an HR title. A quick google and up pop all the folks who have been burned by emails from that company, given out too much personal information and the 'management job' offered itself is either scammy door to door commission sales or worse. Of course I know immediately that the emails are not for real because I never posted my resume to the web, I faxed it to the employer for the local job I was interested in, though I did have to create an account with the type site to see the job details. (It was NOT but I forget who it was.)
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