
Does anyone do work for this company? They have shops and tell you where to go to apply but with very limited details.

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I have done some video shopping for them. They used to only use their own employees but are now branching out and need more shoppers. You pretty much discuss the shop on the phone with your scheduler before it is finally assigned, if my experience is anything to go by. I seem to recall that they also did a background check, but I could be wrong.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
But how do you sign up. I went to the site but could not find teh link that said "Sign up".
Impact Marketing does Video Mystery Shopping. If you want to sign up, go to the "contact us" page and send them an email. They interview all prospective shoppers. They are a great company to work with and pay nicely and on time!
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