One of my first shops EVER was going to be with AA. I was all ready to go, then I got a voice mail saying another person had already been scheduled for that day, and that I needed to pick another day. I thought that was absurd, to assign me something then pull it from me the day before. I thought this was unprofessional but I let it go.
Two days later I got an email saying they hadn't received my report yet. I called and spoke directly to the owner of the company. I told him that he had left me a voice mail saying that they had found someone else. He said that they still expected me to complete the shop, which was absurd. I told him that telling me to pick another day and then demanding that I go that same day as someone else was unprofessional and that I didn't want to deal with a company that can't keep its information straight. Even though I was not disrespectful, just upset, he hung up on me mid-sentence and terminated my account within the hour.
I'm glad some of you have had good experiences with them, but the extremely tedious reports and all of the POV and stops required at some places made the pay really not worth it.
I've done some entertainment/amusement shops with A-Closer-Look, and hands down, those didn't even take me 20 minutes to do the report, and required 3 photos of receipts and 4 photos of the facility, which I took right when I got there. I would highly suggest ACL's shops for their customer service and easy reports with generous spending limits.