nicelytwicely Wrote:
> I like this company, even though their pay is not
> particularly high. They're communicative and pay
> on time. I do wish they had more in my area,
> however, I'll do that big non-prescription
> glasses shop every now and then, but only if it's
> convenient for my travels. My one gripe about that
> shop is that you have to return to the same
> location. I understand it, but if it weren't for
> that, I'd probably do the shop more frequently --
> it's so familiar to me that it makes it a breeze.
> I never do the return portion of the shop, so it
> requires a separate trip back. Re: pay, although
> they don't have much in airports, what they DO
> have pays relatively well. The shop I'm talking
> about is double its normal price, although you do
> have to make a small purchase, which is included
> in the fee.
> Re: grades, mine have mostly been 10s, so I don't
> know about that. However, the feedback on the one
> shop I did for which I had a lower score was very
> explicit. Carol, did they not explain why it was
> graded that way? If it happens again, I'd ask the
> scheduler for input (if you care enough).
Yes, they contacted me. I had a typo in my time for the return, 4:32 instead of 4:52 which didn't make their 30 minute wait to return, even though it had been 45 minutes and I explained that. These are the sunglass shops that I feel uncomfortable with the returns anyway. And out of the four I have done, only one (the one located in Macy's) got all their points. The other three had several missing marks.