I am going to push you on this.
1. In a civil court, if a judgment is found in your favor, you can generally recoup legal fees which, in your case, would be the time and gas you spend driving. If you place your hourly rate at, stay, $50/hr, you could potentially ask for $250+gas + time spent researching and gathering evidence. If it is clear that he has a pattern of scamming folks, the court will not look kindly upon him. Moreover, if he no-shows, you will win by default.
2. I would suggest that you also bring evidence from this forum about how he has burned others. A printout of anonymous posts may not get you much. However, if you get get one or two folks to write statements stating how he burned them as well and get them notarized, you will have really have something to present. If I were burned by him, I'd happily do that - and send it to you overnight certified mail at my expense, just to bust the fellow.
3. If the judgment is found in your favor, it would make it really easy for anybody else to follow suit and file a small claim against this POS. They would actually be able to use your court records to show a pattern of behavior. A savvy lawyer could sense a class action suit and tear him apart. The attorney would even name his clients in a lawsuit. The clients would be dismissed in all likelihood, but they would be likely be deposed and such an action would end their relationships with him permanently.
4. If he's scammed enough folks, this becomes a felony and he could find himself jailed. He would lose his business license, if he has one.
Meet the piece of garbage in court. If you win the judgment, but only get $50, I'll send you another $50 for your trouble.
@rhulit wrote:
I did a mystery shopper assignment for him in December. My reimbursement was about $50. Not the biggest amount but owed to me non the less. Submitted all necessary forms and received a confirmation number from him thru email. Waited 3 weeks. Finally googled his name and company and found out he is a scam artist at least since 2008. Most people he never pays for their services. But the companies pay him. E-mailed about payment. Nothing. Called office number. Nothing. In January filled a complaint with NJ board of labor. Wage dispute. Received notice from them for a hearing in 5/10 in Trenton. I live 2 hours north. I am not driving 4 hours round trip for 50 bucks. And he knows that. Also he wouldn't show up anyway which means even if the judgement went in my favor I wouldn't be paid. A waste of time for me. The perfect scam. He gets people all over to do mystery shops for him. But never pays them. He knows most people are not going to travel to Trenton to get their wages thru a hearing. He also knows that even if they did go he doesn't have to show up which means if you win the judgement you will not receive any money anyway. So most people just forget about it. Luckily I only did one shop for him. The police won't get involved because it's a wage dispute. Another win for him. The attorney general's office is the only option to get him stopped and locked him!
Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.