Service Performance Group?

I have been signed up with Service Performance Group for a couple of years but have never seen a shop to take here. They now have a couple of home cleaning shops that look good. They require a big outlay of (reimbursable) cash - $100+ - plus small payment. Recent posts on Volition complain of slow pay, although previous of April 2010 all their feedback looks good. Anybody here worked for them? Please tell .....

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AM, SPG is a great company. All of the shops I have done for them required a $50 - $200 outlay of cash. All were paid per the terms of their contract. The first shop I did was the home one; then after I got a 10 on that one, I got the nice department store one. They have a strict rotation on that, and I am just coming eligible again, but I have done the smaller cafes in the same store. They have reasonable expectations in their reporting for the kind of reimbursement they are giving. Plus, they show their appreciation of your work in their email feedback. I have never gotten canned emails from them, I have only gotten personalized ones that reference the report, or that use adjectives like "superb", many exclamation points, and all caps. Editor feedback with the word superb written in all caps is one of the few times all caps doesn't bother me...LOL!

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Okay, I got it the SPG shop - carpet being cleaned today - must pay $150 with CASH. Getting my three largest rooms cleaned. Excited - my carpet has taken a beating since September when I got THE PUPPY, who is now housebroken but the carpet is sad.
I love them, but they don't have many jobs here...I grab them when I see them, no trash emails, only the realy thing. When they send you an email, there is a job attached to it.

Live consciously....
AustinMom Wrote:
> Okay, I got it the SPG shop - carpet being cleaned
> today - must pay $150 with CASH. Getting my three
> largest rooms cleaned. Excited - my carpet has
> taken a beating since September when I got THE
> PUPPY, who is now housebroken but the carpet is
> sad.

Yay, AM! :-)
This is a good shop. I have always been reimbursed by them on schedule.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
(sigh) I came back from morning errands to find THE PUPPY has relapsed. Left a little surprise for me on the carpet which will be cleaned in 3 hours. I wasn't gone that long. Oh, the things we live with for our children and our animals.......

I'll let you all know how it goes. I'm excited. Report form seems straight forward and easy. No photos of the truck and no reveal like the other carpet cleaning shop with the other MSC.
Yes, the report is easier and the process more straighforward.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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