Is it just me or is Trendsource becoming a lot more of a hassle to deal with in terms of what they flag as issues as of late? There are things I have put into my reports that I feel have been crystal clear, yet they seem to be flagging just about everything, and have even done so twice recently, just to double check with me and have me re-enforce what I already stated in my reports.
I have noticed this a lot more as of late with them, and it's just frustrating because their shops pay low enough as it is, and now this creates even more work and can even delay payments if done near a close of pay period.
To be fair, it does seem to occur from one ink and printer manufacturer client more than anyone else, as they may be one of those high-maintenance clients, however if this is becoming a trend (no pun intended) I will be more inclined not to accept those shops in the future.
I have no issue if there is a legitimate flag and a question about something in the report, but if we are getting to the point where we are having reports flagged just for the sake of flagging them, it gets rather monotonous and time-consuming.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2010 06:58PM by mystikwizard.