Bank acct information requested from company...

Signed up with BARE International recently and they asked for my bank account information to sign me up with direct deposit. I'm tempted to do it, because my employer would ask for and get this same information. Anyone have any comments on if this is a good idea or not? Would hate to miss out on a shop because I am overly paranoid. Thanks.

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If you are sure you are on the actual Bare International site, I would have no qualms about doing so. They are a legitimate company. I just double checked because I THOUGHT they paid by PayPal, but indeed direct deposit is what I signed up to do (obviously I don't do lots and lots of shops for them).
Interesting. I don't remember them asking for that information, but I was probably reluctant to do it when I first signed up as well! I've received just one payment so far, by check. (I wish they DID do PayPal!)
I didn't remember them doing DD, but I went back to the last shop I did for them and indeed it was a DD.
I have done several shops for them over the past 2 years. Nice company. They do pay by direct deposit. They will e-mail you when they put through the direct deposit. I've never had a problem with them.
2008 and prior, Bare paid me by check in the mail. Sometime in 09 I think, they went direct deposit, which is safer, faster, better for me!

shenrick, my preferred payment method from MSPs is direct deposit. I don't enter my sensitive info if it's not a secured site. Check the URL to see if they are secured. (https). One or two MSP sites that haven't been secured, provide a phone number. If I want to do business with them, I'll phone in my SSN, etc.
I remember them asking, and I gave them my info...however, they are still paying by check. I would like to do it, much easier, but do be careful.

Live consciously....
I shop for BARE International. I get paid by DD. I find it's the easiest way for me. My DD account is seperate from my other personal accounts. It is solely set up for MSing. A minmunim was needed to open the account, I started the account with $500, anything entering the account is payments from MS or interest from the bank. I keep a running of what I am supposed to be paid and when.

DD is my best form of payment. PP is okay but I don't care for it. I do have one for those other MS payments.
Besides looking for the "secure site" symbol, another way to help protect your information is to "refresh" your page before putting in any sensitive info. My computer security son says that if you are being phished, a vast majority of the time refreshing will reveal that. Also, be very observant...a phisher can make their page look almost exactly like a legitimate page. But if something looks off, (especially the url), it probably is. Close the browser and open a new one.

Having said that...I echo what the others have said about Bare. They do Direct Deposit and your info is secure with them.
We appreciate everything that you all have done for BARE and we hope that you can continue with us into the future. If you ever have any questions please feel free to contact me directly at or 800-296-6699 x3158.

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