duffymoon2 Wrote:
> This is the same company I mentioned on here a few
> weeks ago that lowered my fee after the fact. I
> was offered a $30 fee for a BVA job on Saturday -
> short notice. I did the assignmnt - oneof many I
> had done for them - when I was paid I got $17.
> The super said I had applied for the job at $17
> which I had and it was given to someone else.
> THEN the scheduler called and offered it to me
> last minute at $30 on a Sat. morning. I accepted
> THAT. I was 2nd choice so to speak and las
> minute. The super won and I lost $13 and part of
> my weekend. Then just this past week I was to do
> an audit at Office Max - instructions said 15-20
> min. in store, 15-20 min on report. This was a
> very detailed audit, sku counts in the entire
> store and about 50 pages of instructions to
> download - when I got to the store and saw how
> much area I had to cover for $7.00!!!!!!!!!!!! I
> came home and resigned from their list and left
> them with a jjob unfinished. I felt somewhat
> vindicated! I am tired of being told a very easy
> job, and given a beginner fee and then it turn out
> to be an hour or more in the store plus all the
> prep time. TREND SOURCE AKA MSI has sunk lower
> and lower - I'm out of their game.
I know the assignment you are talking about in terms of counting SKU's, however what you are neglecting to mention is that it is counting only about 15 different SKU's for a single type of product. And by no means does the assignment you speak of take any more than 15-20 minutes. Now, I agree that $7 is low and this assignment should be paying at least $10 or higher, however it really isn't a difficult assignment in which you are counting SKU's all over the store, as you make it seem.
Believe me, I have had gripes about Trendsource which you can find elsewhere on this site in my post history, and I actually agree with you on the frustration for being promised PAD pay only to have them not actually pay it to you. Basically, yeah they are trying to get out of paying for PAD if they don't have to, while claiming it was a "mistake", which very well could be the Acct Mngr trying to PAD their expenses which is unethical ... however in regards to the one assignment I went over earlier, it really isn't as involved as you are claiming it to be.