CI--can they do this?

@pegleg2000 wrote:

I have been doing this for 9 of 12 weeks now. It is an easy 20 minutes or less shop. I would do it again.
I think you might be confusing this project with another one. I don't believe the routes are a 12-week project. Since the MSC has been named, we can't mention the names of the clients or the specific project names.

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You are right. I know which one is being talked about now. I saw it listed and left it.
If you have to ask if the MSC can "do this", you would attempt to accept and perform the shop even if the MSC SUBSEQUENTLY added terms that required you to "carry this box across the street. Let me light that box on fire so you can see better in the dark.".

Any requirements added after the initial offer is NOT enforceable in my state unless a "meeting of the minds" (a legal term) is reached between the parties. As very few shoppers have the ability to sue for "specific performance".you should get your ten foot pole out and not touch the shop if the original requirements are changed when you are allowed to see the guidelines and ask, "Can they do this?"

I should not have to spend a moment of time contacting the MSC to tell them the guidelines did not reflect the "original offer of specific performance" Telling me a shop is "easy" and I will get a "hero citation" is empty promises. Attempt to fool me once shame on me if I allow you to renege on the original and amended terms.

Maybe the MSC is setting the stage to get additional effort without increasing the compensation. When terms like "easy shop and Hero citation are used and the shop becomes anything but MY definition of "easy" I let a newbie have the shop.

You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want ..Zig Zigler

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2017 10:44PM by Piled Hip Deep.
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