Sandwich shops

Does anyone do the sandwich shops where you have to pay cash for your purchase and then they pay only 3 months later?
I use to do them quite a bit, as it was the only thing available in my area, but now I only do them if I will be in the area at lunch time.
One has to eat anyway, right? But waiting three months for $7?

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Sign up with more companies. There are many companies that have shops almost anywhere that pay a whole lot faster than 3 months. They won't be your favorite sandwich shop perhaps, but there are lunch shops and sometimes they are even some reasonable modicum of healthy.
Pat, which company would that be?

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
It's Service Intelligence, I assume that is being referred to. It is fine to reveal the company as long as we don't reveal the client.

If you do a job on June 1st, don't expect to be paid until July 31st or even sometimes into August. Their speed of payroll is absolutely disgraceful.
Of course, NSS is even worse when it comes to timeliness of paychecks. If you do a job in June, there is no question the earliest you will be paid is August.

Hats off to CRI and Trendsource for being reasonable with their payments. 2 weeks.
But of course Service Intelligence is very up front that they pay shops at the end of the month following the month the job was done. There has never been a time in all the years I have been working for/with them that the direct deposit has not been there on or before the last day of the month. A month or so ago it was a squeaker, but it did show up as 'processing' before midnight on the last day of the month.
Goodwin is similar in that regard. The scenario you cited is why I'll only do these shops if it's a place I like to eat!
mystikwizard Wrote:
> It's Service Intelligence, I assume that is being
> referred to. It is fine to reveal the company as
> long as we don't reveal the client.
> If you do a job on June 1st, don't expect to be
> paid until July 31st or even sometimes into
> August. Their speed of payroll is absolutely
> disgraceful.

I guess I am confused how you deduced that it might be them from the small amount of info the other poster wrote, as there are SO MANY companies with "sandwich" shops.

I am fine with the schedule of SI, they are up front about their timetable, and meet it month after month. I try to their shops later in the month. :-)
I am pretty much fine with anything up to 60 days, as long as it meets the contractual terms that I agreed to from the get-go. However, once they don't meet their terms, it doesn't matter to me if they usually pay in 10 days and took 15....these are things that make me sit up and take notice to see if it is happening to other shoppers, and if it happens more than once. And if it goes long enough that I have to contact them....that's it for me, at least until I see a proven track record (with many shoppers) that they have turned around their poor practices.

One thing I find ironic is that many of the MSC's who emphasize "best practices" are the same ones who are the least apt to use them in the work of their own firms. :-)

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I think I know what MSP/sandwich shop she means and it's not SI.

I don't find SI's payment schedule to be that out of the norm. The one I am thinking of pays anywhere from 60-90 days after the shop.
dee shops Wrote:

> I guess I am confused how you deduced that it
> might be them from the small amount of info the
> other poster wrote, as there are SO MANY companies
> with "sandwich" shops.

I wouldn't say there are MANY that do just "sandwich" shops alone, however even if we would say that there ARE, there certainly aren't MANY MSC's that do SANDWICH shops that take 2 or more months to pay you. So basically, it was process of elimination on my part to make an educated guess.

That being said, I enjoy working for Service Intelligence. I like the staff and they are very flexible. However, if there was one thing I have to critique it would be the turnaround time for job payments.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2010 03:18AM by mystikwizard.
I don't know. I guess that depends on where you live. There are many companies that do "sandwich" shops here, and some pay more quickly than others. It would also depend on what someone defines as a "sandwich shop." It could be FF burgers, or panini, or wraps, or???

SI has NOTHING even remotely close to "sandwiches" here. So for me, I still would like to know what MSC the OP was referring to.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
mystikwizard Wrote:

> That being said, I enjoy working for Service
> Intelligence. I like the staff and they are very
> flexible. However, if there was one thing I have
> to critique it would be the turnaround time for
> job payments.

That is what sort of confused me before. SI's payment schedule is not out of the ordinary. They pay the end of the month following the shop. While, IMO, that is far longer than it should need to take, that is the pay schedule for many MSPs I shop with. Several others, like the MSP the poster mentioned, take anywhere from 2-3 months after the shop.
lisams901 Wrote:
> mystikwizard Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That being said, I enjoy working for Service
> > Intelligence. I like the staff and they are
> very
> > flexible. However, if there was one thing I
> have
> > to critique it would be the turnaround time for
> > job payments.
> That is what sort of confused me before. SI's
> payment schedule is not out of the ordinary. They
> pay the end of the month following the shop.
> While, IMO, that is far longer than it should need
> to take, that is the pay schedule for many MSPs I
> shop with. Several others, like the MSP the poster
> mentioned, take anywhere from 2-3 months after the
> shop.

Yes, I agree, Lisa. They pay around the average in terms of timeframe they use to pay people. If you have to spend $ for a shop for them, try not to do it in the first half of the month. :-) Certainly I LOVE the payment schedule of Trendsource and CoRi, but I dislike their payment rates even more.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
And I have just the opposite reaction with CRI. I love their payment schedule, however their shop input can be a real pain in the ass, sometimes with some of their assignments. Just very redundant as several of their clients require text for all answers on the shop. It just gets time consuming.

However, their rates tend to go up very quickly in the area I live in, and I usually make out pretty well from them.
The only shops I have done for CoRI have required minimal input. The clothing store is a few check boxes, and the now gone burger was pretty minimal for a dining shop, especially if it was the take out version.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I just applied for a sandwich shop near me from "PrivateEyes" scheduling. Haven't read instructions, but know they are slow in paying.

Live consciously....
Yeah, I could do one, too, if I wanted to travel four hours! Oh wait, as I wrote that, a new email came in -- now I'd just have to travel an hour!
They have two monthly shops in my town...(love that) for one person...wouldn't say I'd drive an hour, 3 miles, yes!!

Live consciously....
For some reason, I don't love the shop report for that sandwich. I don't hate it, but I do feel like it is more work that the payment/reimbursement deserve-I doesn't cover the ordering requirements here. I love their subs, but I would rather just do an easier shop and buy the sub. :-)

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
dee shops Wrote:
> For some reason, I don't love the shop report for
> that sandwich. I don't hate it, but I do feel
> like it is more work that the
> payment/reimbursement deserve-I doesn't cover the
> ordering requirements here. I love their subs,
> but I would rather just do an easier shop and buy
> the sub. :-)

Not sure if I'm thinking of the same shop/report, but I really don't like it either. If I get one of the cheaper subs, the reimbursement will cover it, but to me the report is tedious.
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