Carpet Cleaning Mystery Shop

I'm interested in doing the carpet cleaning shop for Compliance Solutions World Wide. The shop is out of Hamel Il. I'm new to this company. Having trouble getting connected. I need some help. Judy Gasper

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 05:21AM by jujubee1941.

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I did this shop and loved it. I was nervous doing it because it's a lot of money out of pocket, But my carpets looked beautiful, The shop was simple, And they paid right away.
But make sure you read the guidelines very well
I've done carpet cleaning shops with Compliance Solutions. They have a few different clients with varying instructions, so definitely read through the requirements carefully before the day of the appointment.

As far as getting the shop, your best bet is to just apply and see what happens. I've done them twice (Sept. 2015 and Sept. 2016). They're the only jobs I've actually done for Compliance Solutions, so there's always a chance it'll get assigned. If not, keep trying. At least in my area, I see them fairly often. Good luck!

Shopping central Arizona.
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