Shoppers Critique

I think I have a job tomorrow with shoppers critique, here's the thing, they said they won't email me the info till tomorrow, is that normal?

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I have one with them next week and I am not able to get the guidelines until the first available shop date.
I think Flash said this was normal for them, when I hear back from her I will ask to make sure. I am suppose to be there tomorrow morning, and yet know nothing!! Wierd, The others companies I've done had thier info out when ya requested it.
Companies vary a lot about when information is available. Bestmark won't give you specifics until 10 days before the shop and even after you have signed off that you agree to do the shop and have read the specifics they still all too often come back and change the shop. I have only done one Shopper's Critique shop and don't remember when I got the information. I already knew what the shop entailed from comments by other shoppers in forums and the scheduler's brief remarks. But then again I got called mid day to do the shop that same day.
I love Shoppers Critique and yes, they won't give you instructions until the first day of the shop.........they have some great candy mall shops and my fav mexican restaurant.......
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I too love Shoppers Critique, and I know what Mex. restaurant your talking about Bugs...good one. Just go with the flow, they are good and very nice. their web site is different, trust them.
do they ever contact you, i requested couple of shops it has been over 1 week no one has contacted me.
The shop that I did for them was a self assign. I got an email in about 5 minutes stating that I had gotten it.
They normally let one know ahead of time. Maybe the due date is not announced yet.I love working for them.
Their wireless internet provider ( green logo) shop is a pain to do, too much detailed info needed. But they seem like a decent msc regardless.
I like working for them, especially the apartment shops.

Thank goodness for smartphones. It's nice being able to read the instructions and guidelines while out doing routes. I don't want to delay the start of a route waiting for it to be okay to download guidelines!
I haven't done a job for them in ages, and asigned myself not knowing the in's and out's.... I find out I need to pay to get in and there is no reimbursement, and pay is 10.00. When did SC get this way. I declined, am not putting out 20.00 to check the restroom and trash.

Live consciously....
I have applied for shops on three occasions. The first two times, I never heard back by the due date, which they disclose as being just "approximate". I checked a few times afterwards, and the shop was finally removed, so it was obviously assigned to someone else.

I think it's a pain to wait so long to find out if you've been assigned, and also, an approximate due date is not appealing when you have a busy schedule! I think I'm giving up on this company entirely.
Agree with NicelyTwicely. Though I just started MS'ing I've been signed up with SCI for years. I signed up for a few about a month ago and it displayed "requested" and just sat there. A couple of them then vanished off the board and one just remained at "requested" but the zip and other information zeroed out. They're at the bottom of my list now, literally. I use FireFox and all my MS companies are on the bookmarks toolbar, I tend to check them a couple times a day from left to right and don't always have time to make it through the list, so those on the left (the "good" ones) get always get checked, and those that fall further to the right have a progressively smaller chance of getting checked.
I love SCI - they are one of my favorite companies to shop for. I've never had any trouble with scheduling shops though, as most of the ones in my area are self assign. It is a bit annoying when I can't go in and print my shop guidelines right away, but it's not that big of a deal to me. I have always been paid very quickly with them, and the reports are pretty easy to fill out.
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