Don't bother doing these. Trendsource will initially guarantee a high pay rate, but you will hardly ever be paid. The company will come up with some reason not to pay you. This happened to me several times. I would do my inspection, turn in my report on time, and within two days, Trendsource would respond with all kinds of other questions, i.e., "please submit a photo of the signage on an inner office door. The one you sent was hard to read". I had explained to Trendsource twice already that there was a huge counter top desk one foot away from the inner office door. The only way to take a straight on photo would be to climb up on the counter. I felt that, in my business casual skirt, this would seem unprofessional to the other people in the building, (outside the office). After FIVE repeated requests for this same photo, Trendsource told me to "keep my comments professional" when communicating with them. Subsequently, Trendsource said they were, "removing me from the business inspection part of their shopping program", due to the fact that I asked too many questions, and there was too much back and forth email communication taking place between Trensource and myself. Nearly all the email's were initiated by them; they had just found another way not to pay me.