Interestd in working for Second 2 None? Don't Waste Your Time - I Got Burned

I signed up for my first shop at a doughnut shop for a $16.00 payment. I spent $15.92 on a dozen doughnuts that I didn't want (non-reimbursable) and spent $1.40 in tolls plus 28 miles to get to and from the shop. I ordered what the 12-page direction showed and the company said that I mis-ordered one and I didn't provide the receipt. Within the agreed 12 hour time frame, I uploaded the receipt that was NOT indicated in the directions and detailed my doughnuts purchased. The company rejected my report, even after I provided everything they wanted because they said I did not order one doughnut correctly. That is the last job I do for this company. What an unbelievable rip-off and downright poor business practices on their part - Second 2 None is the not even in the top 10.

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I've worked with them off and on for years and have never had a problem. I understand you are angry.
@nstammer wrote:

I signed up for my first shop at a doughnut shop for a $16.00 payment. I spent $15.92 on a dozen doughnuts that I didn't want (non-reimbursable) and spent $1.40 in tolls plus 28 miles to get to and from the shop. I ordered what the 12-page direction showed and the company said that I mis-ordered one and I didn't provide the receipt. Within the agreed 12 hour time frame, I uploaded the receipt that was NOT indicated in the directions and detailed my doughnuts purchased. The company rejected my report, even after I provided everything they wanted because they said I did not order one doughnut correctly. That is the last job I do for this company. What an unbelievable rip-off and downright poor business practices on their part - Second 2 None is the not even in the top 10.

So, basically, you did a shop wrong and won't get paid. We've all done shops wrong from time to time. I sympathize that you are disappointed that you won't get paid, but why would you tell others of us not to waste our time? I don't often work with Second to None because I don't think they pay enough, but the times I do work for them, I've had no problems. I recommend them.

My biggest question is why you would choose to take a doughnut shop for a $16 payment when it required buying $15 worth of doughnuts that you didn't want? And then you drove a long way and paid tolls, meaning you spent more than the $16 for somthing you didn't even want? Why would you do that? You didn't realize how far away it was and didn't realize you would have to pay tolls? You thought you wanted the doughnuts but decided later that you didn't? That's not the way to make money.
I've done several types of shops for STN, never the donuts one. I've never had any difficulties with any of my shops being accepted. Sorry this happened to you.
I have worked for them for several years and found them to be honest and professional
There is a donut location within 10 miles of me that gets shopped by STN. I would never need a dozen donuts and the pay is low. I would not take one of these shops if I did not want donuts because the pay is so low. I can't imagine driving evern further for donuts I don't want.

I don't do that many shops for them anymore (I haven't done anything in the past 3-4 years) but I did a lot of shops for them when I was first starting out. The shops paid decently enough and the locations I shopped were within 10-15 miles from my home.

I hope, OP, that you learn from your mistake and do not take shops for products you do not want, especially if the shop does not pay well.
I did a pizza job with them and ordered the wrong thing.....I was just told I will get paid. Pay didn't cover purchase, about a dollar short, but I wanted the pizza. Would never drive to do a job and purchase something I didn't want. I found them nice to work for and understanding.

Live consciously....
@nstammer wrote:

I signed up for my first shop at a doughnut shop for a $16.00 payment. I spent $15.92 on a dozen doughnuts that I didn't want (non-reimbursable) and spent $1.40 in tolls plus 28 miles to get to and from the shop. I ordered what the 12-page direction showed and the company said that I mis-ordered one and I didn't provide the receipt. Within the agreed 12 hour time frame, I uploaded the receipt that was NOT indicated in the directions and detailed my doughnuts purchased. The company rejected my report, even after I provided everything they wanted because they said I did not order one doughnut correctly. That is the last job I do for this company. What an unbelievable rip-off and downright poor business practices on their part - Second 2 None is the not even in the top 10.
I have been shopping for STN for 6 years and have done many of their donut shops. First of all, the guidelines state the $15 fee is a flat rate fee. This means your donuts should cost you around $9.50 for the dozen and your required drink, which takes you to $12.50. There is little profit on this shop but it's about getting your donut cost reimbursed back to you. Kind of like a sandwich shop where your sandwich is reimbursed but only the cost of a sandwich, (as example).

You either have A or B order. If you did not order one of the donuts in that particular selection, (which is mostly donuts with certain fillings, which they want you to open two of the donuts and gauge the amount of filling and if it's properly centered) then if one of them is not in the picture, there is an "addendum" in the guidelines that states "if that donut is not available order another type preferably similar to that particular donut type." You REPORT to STN that the glazed lemon filled was not available so you ordered glazed blueberry filled. (as example).

The receipt is ALWAYS and "has" always been required. What guidelines are you reading? Did you get a drink? I don't see that up there but wondering? If you did, good for you, if not, then that could be another reason your shop was denied.

You seem SHOCKED that the very shop you signed up for, was only mostly for reimbursement? Did you actually read your guidelines carefully so you would know there is a receipt required? That there is a certain donut type [A or B] that needed to be ordered? And that Tolls are not covered?
I've done the doughnut shops with second 2 none - followed directions, and got paid fine. - I'm sad they don't have them in my area any more sad smiley. I haven't' seen them on the board for 8 or so months now. Soooooooo sad!
I'm sorry you are out money on your first shop. That is a huge bummer. Unfortunately, that is how mystery shopping works: shoppers have precise guidelines we must follow to the letter, and if we don't follow every single guideline, we most likely don't get paid.

One positive way to look at this is that now you have learned (albeit the hard way) more about how to do shops to make money rather than lose them. This will probably be the last time you take a shop 28 miles away unless you're doing a route! :-)
I've done the doughnut shops as well. Ordered the dozen required, no problem. It sounded like you were way over your head, (don't mean to offend but just stating facts) since this was your first shop with them. If the instructions were not clear to you, you should have contacted your scheduler to go over the instructions. The scheduler are there to help you, not to ding you. If it sounded like the instructions were too much to remember, you could have asked the scheduler to remove the shop from your assignment log and basically inform the scheduler that you felt you would be unable to perform the shop correctly. I've done many shops with second to none with no problems and many were bonused. Yes, the total pay was $15, but I figured I can treat my kids to some doughnuts. Like I'm gonna eat a dozen doughnuts by myself. By the way, second to none informed me that they will no longer do that doughnut shop that were in my area. Maybe the client ended their contract with them and did not want to renew. Who knows?
@roflwofl wrote:

My biggest question is why you would choose to take a doughnut shop for a $16 payment when it required buying $15 worth of doughnuts that you didn't want? And then you drove a long way and paid tolls, meaning you spent more than the $16 for somthing you didn't even want? Why would you do that? You didn't realize how far away it was and didn't realize you would have to pay tolls? You thought you wanted the doughnuts but decided later that you didn't? That's not the way to make money.
I agree 100% with roflwofl. I don't like doughnuts so I have not and will not take this shop. As far as distance, I always map out my directions which tells me if I will be taking toll roads. I also would not take just one shop; I always make a route even if it happens to be only more more shop. I usually have at least three scheduled in a day and I work a FT job.
I did the same pizza shop(two times). I asked for a bonus because it did not cover the entire purchase. I got the bonus, but also deducted 2.00 because I got a check and not paypal.

@Irene_L.A. wrote:

I did a pizza job with them and ordered the wrong thing.....I was just told I will get paid. Pay didn't cover purchase, about a dollar short, but I wanted the pizza. Would never drive to do a job and purchase something I didn't want. I found them nice to work for and understanding.
I am sorry you ordered wrong thus preformed the shop wrong and will not get paid. You said it was your first shop for 2nd to None, was it your first shop ever? In all my years of shopping I very rarely ever had a shop with no proof of visit. POV is commonly a receipt or Business card or picture of front of building. Hopefully you will learn from this and it will make you a better shopper.

I also have done few shops for 2nd to None over the years and my most this year. I have had all accepted without issue and paid. But so you understand even the professional mystery shopper messes up from time to time I will give you an example of a recent mistake that I messed up a shop and wont get paid. Here it is:

I have been preforming Buffalo Wild Wings dine in and take out shops for years over 3 MSPS. I recently did one dine in where I browsed over the guidelines but did not open the survey which had extra guidelines on them. This shop has changed from required to order an entree and appetizer to just required to order an entree. It has also gone from you can sit anywhere in the restaurant to you can't sit at the bar back to you can sit anywhere including the bar. Well since I did not look at the survey I missed that the order requirement went back to ordering both an entree and appetizer. I ordered my entree, drink, and even a dessert but not an appetizer. Despite preforming the shop completely correct otherwise I was told I would not be paid. I had to accept this and move on. Everyone on here this is a good example of don't become complacent and always read the guidelines and look at the survey.

Shopping Western NY, Northeast and Central PA, and parts of Ohio and West Virginia. Have car will travel anywhere if the monies right.
I too agree with roflwofl and Buffalo as well. I have no sympathy as it seems you are totally at fault for your loss - poor apprehension and planning. I also have a personal annoyance towards new participants who bash a MSC and warn others to avoid them.
Just...stop...LlJake and Sybil, let's not do this. Stop.

This isn't the same as the woman who says don't...stop...oh, stop...don't....stop...oh don't stop!
I will only be burned if I won't follow the directions and this is valid for all other companies.
I've done quite a few shops for Second to None (mainly a large regional bank). The scheduler is awesome to work with, and I've never had any problems.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Sybil, I thought it Jas got caught up in the humor. And I've gone from a cyber bully to a cyber stud. But I have to stop as I'm too old to go on.
@LIJake, if you were making the Big Blue Bucks, you would not be wasting your time in the Mystery Shop Forum or MS'ing. winking smiley
Everybody on here giving pros, cons and what if's. Bottom line, if you don't follow the instructions, you wont get paid. Been there and done that but I learned from that and moved on. Venting will only clear your conscious but it doesn't get you paid. (Mod note: political reference removed)
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