Mystery Shopping in Canada

Hi everyone, can you help me in finding the best companies to apply for if you live in Canada? I have 2 companies that I shop for now and that is great but there are not that many options where I live so I am looking for some good companies that offer more jobs in Canada. Thanks for all your help.

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Sign up with and take a look at the companies that are currently or recently shopping in your area. Sign up with those. The jobs you see on Jobslinger are likely taken already, but at least it will know who has clients around you. Then there is a list of companies here in the first thread of the Mystery Shopping Company Discussion area that you can sign up with. Some of the companies exclusively have Canadian work, some exclusively have US work, some shop both countries. And you never know when any company will be getting new clients.
I always try to check the Mystery Shopping Assocation site and try to research as much as possible. I did find a company called Concerto Research Inc that does mystery shopping. I notied that it's mostely restaurant shops and oil changes and I think some bank shops as well. This is the only company I have signed up for and so far it's ok.
Hi. I'm in Canada and have been mystery shopping for just over a year. I'm signed up with many companies and have worked for about twenty. Some of the best are Service Intelligence, SQM, Mystery Shopping Canada, Monarch Protection Services, Lanla, Beyond Hello and Market Force. If you sign up with Shadow Shopper (just the free membership) you'll hear about many more. Good luck!
And if you sign up for the free membership with Shadow Shopper be VERY SURE you CANCEL your membership with days to spare on your free membership or you will find a hefty charge on your credit card!
Thanks for the heads up. Good thing my credit card number has been changed since I signed up!
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