dee shops Wrote:
> When I got on with them, it was 5. That was in
> May of 2008, after a year or more of signing up
> but not hearing from them. At that time, they had
> a huge project in my area, and desperately needed
> shoppers to complete them, so I got all 5 done in
> a couple of days, and was changed to premiere
> status and was able to self-assign directly after
> that. I did not see a BV for another 6 months, and
> I don't know if that was because I needed to prove
> myself further before they allowed me to see them,
> or if they didn't have any here during that time,
> as those seem to be highly unpredictable in amount
> they have. Some months they will have 4 or 5
> here, and sometimes they have none for months at a
> time.
It has been my experience that outside of California, Business Verifications are not done to any regular degree. I lived in California for a period of time and they would pop up at sometimes 6 or 7 a day ... if not more. That was because they had a large client that utilized them out there on a regular basis. It seems that outside of that state, they are very sporadic. So I don't think it had anything to do with "proving yourself" on why you didn't see them.