Just have to say, if anyone can do a 2-for-1 platform/banker shop in 4-5 minutes; you either aren't getting all the required info, the banker wasn't giving the info, or this is a different bank. The form is long and it asks what the small talk was, what questions they asked, how did they relate your answers to their products, what were they wearing, what products they offered, etc. There is no way that plus the teller, even if the teller took 30 seconds, could you be out in 4-5 minutes and be thorough.
And Flash, yes, they do still have one shop with a fee, and the other as 0. Genius, huh? It is 2 shops, 2 forms, one fee. Rip off to the shopper. Informa has platform only shops for $15 right now, and another had teller shops down the street at another bank for $7, that is $22 (on Prophet, which is an easier form in general) for the same work that ath is paying $17.
"I dunno". I don't get it!