Mystery Shoppers An Insiders Way To Raise The Bar

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Be it your fulltime ambition or part time interest, mystery shopping is still going
strong. It is one of the jobs that you can depend on staying employed, should you chose to work fulltime, part time and the changes of venue's I welcome and embrace.
You learn alot about the schedulers, clients that employ us and get to do some
serious role playing. I have always enjoyed that, it keeps you young at heart.

But then again for 40 nights a year, I am paid to scare people,look a terrible
fright, portray a scarey character and get paid $12.00 an hour x 9.
Just doing what I enjoy, providing a service of entertainment for a time
some will always remember.

The Customer's experience while shopping is something they too will always
remember, as either positive or negative. It's is the deciding factor if they
will remain a customer and tell their friends or report badly the same turning of the tide.
How about you, what part of the world do you MS? Why MS? Best to Worse shops?

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I find this post confusing and feel the above thinks she has a part in a long film...paid to scare people, I hope I have not scared anyone in my endeavors to this shopper living here on earth or mars...sorry, had to comment.

I would like to know where you shop????

edited to add...I'm a little bored tonite.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2010 12:25AM by Irene_L.A..
I'm thinking maybe they work for a Halloween "Haunted House" for a month or so in the fall, and comparing this role playing to role playing while shopping -?
I think the original poster is saying that she works in a haunted house during the Halloween season?
But yea, I am confused too.
This person wigged out and was deactivated a couple of months back. They are not going to be able to repond, kittybratt.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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