shop-a-holic Wrote:
> I don't worry about the fees on any of CoRI's
> shops in the future months. They always go up on
> the first day they are eligible to be shopped.
> But we all know even then they are too low to
> take. So basically I ignore CoRI for the first
> week or so of each month. My advice, do not worry
> yourselves with what these fees start out to be
> when they are posted. You guys all know they only
> become worth to take after a few weeks into the
> month.
I couldn't agree more. I know what I will do them for and if the price is not at that level, then that is one less shop I have to concern myself with. If none of the jobs get to my price level, I do some other job. This is a free market enterprise type system. They can post any price they want to pay, but the job is only going to get done if someone is willing to do it at that price. On top of that, the clock is ticking all the time. Something's got to give.... But on what I am willing to work for, I doubt if it will be me. That's the only way I can look at it.