MFI - Auto Assign

lisams901 Wrote:
> I wonder if they received a lot of complaints
> about the auto assigned shops. They have a message
> up now that if you self assign a shop and complete
> it by the end of May, you can email the help desk
> and get a $3 bonus.

I think it's funny how they play these games. If they really want to reward us, just raise the fees by $3 across the board. Why make us e-mail the help desk? Are they hoping people will forget? These tricks just don't have a place in a professional environment.

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Has anyone had MF change a date of a shop without notifying you? I accepted several fastfood lunch shops, wrote the dates in my date book, and printed the CPIs. When I went in to report another shop, I noticed something looked different. I compared the dates, and one date is changed: I accepted a lunch fastfood for that location for June 1-3; now it is June 10. Same location, same requirements, just a different date. I went back and looked at the CPI I had printed, and the date WAS changed. No notification. Good thing I noticed. I don't have a problem with the new date, I'm just glad I noticed it and didn't do it on the 1st as I was planning...... The others are all the same. The only difference, the changed one says "CONFIRMED" and the others all say "ASSIGNED."
Very strange......
But remember, AM, it MUST be your fault, as they never do anything wrong--only shoppers do. :-) LOL.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
AustinMom Wrote:
> Has anyone had MF change a date of a shop without
> notifying you?

Yep, I posted about it a month ago or so. Supposedly the client requested it, but they made it for a date I could not possibly be there. I had to cancel and they temporarily blocked me from being able to accept shops until I explained to them that I accepted on a date I could shop it and THEY were the ones that changed it.
Auto-assign hinges on the availability of the shopper, and as far as I know, there's no ding if the shopper declines. There's one shop I've authorized for auto-assign. I then receive an email of the shop with instructions to log-in and decline, accept, or request a date change. So far so good.

Having said that, their email system doesn't inspire a lot of trust with me. For the first time since I've been shopping, MFI has begun emailing me their Daily Shops Bulletin, which is a good thing except my profile has been set to receive email notification from day one.
Mert Wrote:

> Having said that, their email system doesn't
> inspire a lot of trust with me. For the first time
> since I've been shopping, MFI has begun emailing
> me their Daily Shops Bulletin, which is a good
> thing except my profile has been set to receive
> email notification from day one.

I just started receiving those as well. I also have always been signed up for it.
dee shops Wrote:
> But remember, AM, it MUST be your fault, as they
> never do anything wrong--only shoppers do. :-)
> LOL.

Of course. It was DEFINITELY my fault. I never questioned it for a minute.
I recently assigned myself a ff shop, printed out the cpi and started mapping my route for the day. The day came and for whatever reason I went to MF's site and poof, my ff shop was gone. Everything else was there, but not that one. I emailed, but of course it was a weekend. I called and was told that the shop was never available. Hmmm. How did I get the email confirmation and the CPI then?
They recently canceled all their Chinese fastfood shops for this weekend. My son and I were each scheduled for one. I got an e-mail notifying me it was canceled at the client's request but my son swears he was not notified. When I got the notification, I suggested he go in and look because I wondered if I was the only one who got canceled .... or if the location I had scheduled was the only cancelation.
Wonder what's up with them. At least Samantha seems to have moved on. That's an idea I REALLY didn't like..............
I noticed that when I complete my reports for certain shops for MF that they ask if you would like to be auto assigned. Toward the end of the report sometimes I am clicking quickly and check the option anyway but I have never been auto assigned. I would cancel them especially if they give that option.
Yes, they ask if you enjoyed the shop, then if you would accept it again, then ask if they can automatically assign it to you. I ALWAYS say yes, I enjoyed it and yes I would accept it again, but NO , DO NOT assign it to me automatically.
lmosley Wrote:
> I noticed that when I complete my reports for
> certain shops for MF that they ask if you would
> like to be auto assigned. Toward the end of the
> report sometimes I am clicking quickly and check
> the option anyway but I have never been auto
> assigned. I would cancel them especially if they
> give that option.

This happened to me twice also. I was assigned a fast food that was luckily bonused but the other one not so lucky. So now I will say that I will do it again but I hit no when that automatic question comes up. I prefer them to call me and ask me and then say It's a bonus of XX amount.
I had a ff auto assigned. I canceled it. The next day it was auto assigned again. Sheesh!

The worst part of these "self-assign" shops is that they tell you about them long after posting them to your job listing. I know that after some submissions, I'm asked if I'll agree to being auto-assigned. From now on, I'll have to "just say no" since a bad rating is about the worst thing that can happen to a shopper.
I don't like to be auto-Assign nor those daily MF bulletins. I don't have a regular scheduler yet. But I emailed the helpdesk and asked not to be A-A. They in return says, "Your request have been updated in our files. And have a great day>' or "the emails may have crossed in the mail." Yeah right!!!!!

I wait until they are due and remain them about my request about A-A. I won't cancel them, because I think the cancellation counts against us. They are not saying it but they are keeping track.

Is their anyone whom likes the MF Daily bulletins they email out every day. One click on those shops, and YOU have self assigned Yourself. Go figure.
I click on them *daily* and have NEVER self-assigned anything without wanting to, and that always involves more pages to click through. Perhaps it is only with certain areas of the country, or certain clients.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Out of curiousity I just clicked on one of those emails and was not auto assigned anything. What part of the email are you clicking on?
I get the daily emails as well and have never been self assigned. But this is not the first mention of this so I am truly puzzled.
Has anyone besides that shopper experienced this? I might be wrong, but the only mention I can recall is twice by this shopper.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I also click the daily emails and have NOT been auto assigned that particular job. I have only been auto assigned jobs that no one wants - I cancel them and call them. If they don't like it then they can stop.
MFI just recently took over PJ shops that were paying $20+ with another company. MFI only pays $5 for these shops! Amazing!

Does MFI typically pay this low?
yoyoshopper Wrote:
> MFI just recently took over PJ shops that were
> paying $20+ with another company. MFI only pays $5
> for these shops! Amazing!
> Does MFI typically pay this low?

I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the correct shops, but if they're what I'm thinking of, then you're thinking of a different MSP.
PJ? As in pajama???

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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