Does anyone know of a mystery shop company that shops buick or gm dealerships?

Does anyone know of a mystery shop company that shops buick or gm dealerships?

I have signed up with a few, but all I get are toyota, scion, or other cars, but no GM.


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In my region, every "family" of dealerships contracts with its own choice of MSC. So, "Bob's Toyota and Buick" might be with X, and "Kathy's Honda and Buick" might be with Y. I don't think that the major car companies do much, if any, dealer shopping here.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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Have you tried Intelli-Shop, Top Shop ,Monterey Mystery Shopping?
At the beginning of the index for this Forum, Jacob has listed so many
wonderful companies, to sign on with. The list is quite a long one. Try
signing up with as many as you are comfortable with and find which ones
you are best suited to.
The variety is very educating and a refreshing change of air.
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