jdfg Wrote:
> With all the posts here about About Face not
> paying, I was very wary about taking a shop with
> them. However, I had a slew of shops all at the
> same mall one day and decided it wouldn't hurt to
> throw one in as a "test run," so to speak.
> Well, on that day, there was a tragic and fatal
> plane crash involving the heads of the Tesla car
> company, and the power grid for the entire city
> was wiped out for the day. The mall was closed,
> and it was my only available day.
> About Face asked me to complete the form
> indicating what happened and putting "N/A" for all
> the answers, which I did. Today, 68 days later, I
> received payment for the shop I was not able to
> complete. So, even though very slow, they do seem
> to be paying and even making good on the promises
> to pay if a shopper cannot complete a shop due to
> a closed store.
> By the way, had another shop with Sinclaire that
> day and they also paid out for the "closed store"
> shop.
Both companies you mention above are SERIOUS AND RELIABLE. They always pay for my efforts!