jbaetke Wrote:
> Anyone else having problems loading the
> MarketForce Web site? I cannot get in for some
> reason...looks to be timing out problems. Let me
> know!
Yes and they do not have the integrity to admit they have a problem.
Your fault, my fault or if the Cyberspace "murphy" gets you (if something goes wrong it will do so only after you completed most of the report and you are about ready to submit the shop) You lose and they do not pay you for the shop.
They time out even when you hit save and they tell you to come back like the pittance of the fee pays you to stay up all night and you go past your deadline and they do not pay you because they reassigned the shop to another shopper.
Who's fault is it anyway? Instead of OFFERING a shop they should ask "Who would like to take a chance on working for nothing." I really think the editors steal your work product and submit it.
Mess with me once, shame on you. Mess with and I let you do it over and over again expecting you to to do the right thing but you don't, shame on me.
You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want ..Zig Zigler