Cirrus Marketing Consultants--Feedback Pleeeez

Is there some particular reason you feel you are able to refer to me as "the Dee" or "Ms. Dee"? I have never spoken with you before, and my name is "dee", or, to you, is it more specifically "dee shops."

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton

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It's called trying to get you to smile and lighten up a bit. But yes, you have "Dee Shops".
It's not working. In fact, it is doing the opposite, "little cowboy robbie." Deminution of someone's name is generally reserved for friends. I'm not sensing that is a place I choose to visit with you.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Sometimes "Miss Dee" (kiddin) you can be one funny lady....I actually laughed out loud and needed it!!

Siebhahaha, or whatever your name mentioned Ikea...shame on you, the MSC and the will be taken out by the almighty MSPA as you went against the agreement. Your statement to "DEE SHOPS" is weird, sure your o.k., I would not suggest you do ikea, it will take your last brain cell and destroy it!!!!

Live consciously....
Back to Cirrus...low pay, tough jobs, long monthly form to fill out, another winner.
Paying 55.00 for Ikea is like getting 11.00 for auto dealership from Bestmark.

Live consciously....
dee shops Wrote:
> It's not working. In fact, it is doing the
> opposite, "little cowboy robbie." Deminution of
> someone's name is generally reserved for friends.
> I'm not sensing that is a place I choose to visit
> with you.

Awww... I'm hurt Miss Dee. This little cowboy gets a kick out reading your posts. Look forward to reading more.
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> Back to Cirrus...low pay, tough jobs, long monthly
> form to fill out, another winner.
> Paying 55.00 for Ikea is like getting 11.00 for
> auto dealership from Bestmark.

I did enjoy my visit to Switzerland. But then, I enjoy long walks in air conditioned comfort. The humidity makes it feel like 100 out there. smiling smiley
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