Seeking Feedback on Monterey Mystery Shopping

The scheduler is from Coast to Coast.
I don't know what that means. I try not to clutter my brain, but is that like Kern?

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Not to change the subject, but Jersey has come a long way with its Blue Laws. Back in the day, whole sections Two Guys, Orbach's and Korvettes (our big Paramus department stores) were roped off with NO SUNDAY SHOPPING signs. At least you can buy booze in NJ...after Noon that is.
When I first moved to NJ I thought that I was being punished for impure thoughts. I've gotten to like it except for the traffic, although going to Manhattan still energizes me as nothing else can, if only because of the absence of rest stops I must keep moving.
Stores in the Riverside Square Mall in Hackensack are closed on Sundays but the restaurants, such as Morton's, are open. It does make the high end P/R shops somewhat less convenient. Still, no clothing sales tax !

More good news: Today, I got an e-mail from Monterey confirming promise of payment.
I had waited to comment my feedback on this company.

I worked for them one weekend ago. I rec'd an email from them yesterday - they are going to put my money in my paypal account on in five days.

I really like them.

So actually I get paid in two weeks. Better than most!

This was the first time I worked for them. I liked their system. The only thing I haven't figured out is how they grade my work for them. I always like to double-check how my work is for them.
Usually you can go back in like beyondhello and see how your shop grade is and get the shop comments on your work. I haven't seen how we can for Monterrey.

I'm signed up for so many companies that I probably missed it smiling smiley so if someone knows how to find out a shop grade for them, please let me know!

I have done a number of shops for them. They don't tell you a grade. In fact, I have never heard from them. I self schedule the shop, do it, and get an e-mail in a few days advising of the PayPal deposit. No news is good news in this case.
Thanks AustinMom. Sounds like a quick pay for them. How do we know if they like our work or not?
There are a whole lot of companies that don't send you feedback if they are satisfied with your work and make inquiries if the work raised questions. Most of the companies I work with I get no feedback at all except the check in the mail and the availability of future work--that sure says enough for me!
kathymichelle Wrote:
> Thanks AustinMom. Sounds like a quick pay for
> them. How do we know if they like our work or not?

I'm assuming if they don't like the work you will hear from them immediately. Since I never heard and always get paid, I'm assuming so far that they like my work.
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