AustinMom Wrote:
> What I have noticed about Marketforce in the past
> 18 months is that their right hand doesn't seem to
> know what the left hand is doing. I like being
> able to self schedule, they pay on time, even
> though their pay is not high, many of their
> clients are places that are close and I will
> probably go there anyway, and they usually offer a
> good range of dates so I can group my shops with
> other shops I schedule so I make fewer trips.
> That said, anything unusual becomes painful with
> Marketforce. I try to fly under the radar. I
> answer editor questions quickly and as completely
> as I can to put the matter to rest. I have
> noticed that, in the event the editor is incorrect
> (I had an instance where the editor had mis-read
> the shop requirements and wanted to disallow my
> shop), it took me many e-mails to get it reversed,
> although it was reversed and I received an apology
> and a thank you (and most important, my shop was
> not disallowed).
> With a full time job and a family, I don't have a
> lot of time and I best like to shop the MSPs I
> have little communication with. I like to see the
> job, schedule it, do, report it, and get paid. MF
> fits into this.
That sort of sums up my feelings on MF also.