Beware of GFK -Non Payment Issues -Refuses communication Unprofessional

I had an incident with Amy Stone. A bonus was applied in error, so rather than honor it, she unassigned me. Still, I agreed to do it without the bonus, and she gave me the wrong scenario, instead of the shop that I originally signed up. Donna and Amy were not helpful. I deactivated myself immediately afterwards.

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@audrialyn30 wrote:

A bonus was applied in error, so rather than honor it, she unassigned me.

I have a feeling that these "bonuses by mistake" weren't mistakes and were how they were getting some shops filled late last fall--possibly assuming that shoppers would, out of the kindness of our hearts, agree to do them anyway, as you did. I took one that had sat on the boards--once they put a bonus on it. The bonus showed in my shop log until I completed the shop, and stayed there until it was "received," at which point it (the bonus) disappeared! I didn't think to take screen shots (why would I, since all their other bonuses had been honored?), but I think I had the original e-mail showing the bonus. The scheduler said that she had no idea why a bonus would have been put on the shop, since it hadn't been up that long. But it had been, and I'd been watching it to see if it got bonused. It was the only way I would have taken it. I got the bonus, but not after quite a bit of back and forth.

I'm guessing we're not the only shoppers who took a shop with a "bonus by mistake" on it.

I learn something new every day, but not everyday!
I've learned to never trust spell-check or my phone's auto-fill feature.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2016 05:02PM by BirdyC.
@BirdyC wrote:

@audrialyn30 wrote:

A bonus was applied in error, so rather than honor it, she unassigned me.

I have a feeling that these "bonuses by mistake" weren't mistakes and were how they were getting some shops filled late last fall--possibly assuming that shoppers would, out of the kindness of our hearts, agree to do them anyway, as you did. I took one that had sat on the boards--once they put a bonus on it. The bonus showed in my shop log until I completed the shop, and stayed there until it was "received," at which point it (the bonus) disappeared! I didn't think to take screen shots (why would I, since all their other bonuses had been honored?), but I think I had the original e-mail showing the bonus. The scheduler said that she had no idea why a bonus would have been put on the shop, since it hadn't been up that long. But it had been, and I'd been watching it to see if it got bonused. It was the only way I would have taken it. I got the bonus, but not after quite a bit of back and forth.

I'm guessing we're not the only shoppers who took a shop with a "bonus by mistake" on it.

taking a shop "out of the kindness of our heart" = something i personally would never, ever do, especially in light of diminishing fees & lack of respect, etc from wayyy toooo manny of the mscs...i always ask for bonus $$$, too
I suspect that most shoppers who took these "bonused by mistake" shops ended up doing them but not out of the kindness of their hearts. Once assigned, many shoppers, even when the specifics change, go ahead and do the shop because it's easier to do it than to cancel. Even if you are not happy about the terms of the sjhop, and even if you feel conned, it may take a lot of time and effort to contact (and be contacted back by) a scheduler to cancel. You may not be able to reach the scheduler to cancel in time before the shop is due. And, if you cancel, it may mean a citation or some of black mark with the MSC. If you just don't do the shop, definitely a black mark. GFK does not appear to be one of the good guys.
@Jay C wrote:

I suspect that most shoppers who took these "bonused by mistake" shops ended up doing them but not out of the kindness of their hearts. Once assigned, many shoppers, even when the specifics change, go ahead and do the shop because it's easier to do it than to cancel. Even if you are not happy about the terms of the sjhop, and even if you feel conned, it may take a lot of time and effort to contact (and be contacted back by) a scheduler to cancel. You may not be able to reach the scheduler to cancel in time before the shop is due. And, if you cancel, it may mean a citation or some of black mark with the MSC. If you just don't do the shop, definitely a black mark. GFK does not appear to be one of the good guys.

i respectfully disagree. if you cave & complete an assignment that has been misrepresented or you have been conned, etc. you're further validating, enabling & perpetualizing this kind of behavior. a black mark and/or citation from a company exhibiting these kinds of traits = who cares what they think. man/woman up & don't be a pussy.
I was being sarcastic, of course.... winking smiley

I learn something new every day, but not everyday!
I've learned to never trust spell-check or my phone's auto-fill feature.
I quit Gfk long ago. I got tired of banging my head against that wall! There are plenty of good MSCs out there - well at least a few - that treat their shoppers with respect.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2016 11:25PM by jobro.
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I will not be applying for work with GFK after this, that's for sure.
I have been with GFK for years and I have never had an issue with payments. They pay faster than most companies and are flexible.
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