I had a similar experience with a BS non-payment claim from GFK. And it bums me out because I really thought they were awesome!
In October, I performed a beverage census shop for them; these shops require detailed information on soda sales/fountains/vending along with sign info for any eligible location within a specific mapped area, selected at random. The pay was $75 base plus more based on # of auditable locations. Depending on your luck of the draw, there could be 25 places to audit or there could be none. It was fun and easy (because of the SassieRover app) and, as my usual experience, they paid within 2 weeks!
Later, I received another beverage census assignment from them that was a bit far, but had a huge bonus (total pay base of $250, with additional revenue for each location, etc.) End of the month desperation, I figured I scored!
I completed the job on time, as scheduled, meeting their rush job priority; I spent an entire Saturday afternoon doing it, 65 miles each way to a city I had lived in only 2 years earlier (read: I know that area) To my disappointment, there wasn't a single qualified establishment in the assigned map area. I am CERTAIN of this point; I drove every street twice. No establishments, only a post office, 2 schools, a huge park, a tattoo parlor, mortgage broker, and a tire repair shop. The area was bordered on the south by the freeway and on the north by a wash/creek. No biggie, though, since I'd still get the base $250.
I contacted the scheduler (who had always been great) when I hadn't received payment 3 weeks later. I was told the job was voided, payment forfeited, because "another shopper had found a qualified location, a restaurant, within the area". When pressed as to the details of said location, I was told that information was unable to be shared with me. I said that's ludicrous, that there aren't any locations there. She said I had to just accept that there WAS and forget about it. About now, her email replied to me were taking longer to receive. Since the explanation given me was, CLEARLY unacceptable, I asked for the name of someone higher up to speak with.
I called, left messages, and emailed this "supervisor" numerous times over the following two weeks; I NEVER received a response. My last attempt was to bypass both schedulers and email GFK directly, hoping to get some sorry of resolve. Never heard back from anyone.
I'm pretty confident that, because the mapped area had no qualifying locations, GFK probably wasn't going to be able to collect full payment from their client. Unfortunately, I was the loser in the transaction.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2016 12:46PM by medievallass.