@BirdyC wrote:
It's unfortunate that GFK didn't take feedback from its shoppers and use it to make their processes, reports, etc., more efficient
and more shopper friendly. There were shopper comments and complaints for a long time, many saying the same things time and time again. It seems shoppers' general opinions as well as very specific suggestions about improvements that could be made fell on deaf ears.
Sometimes it makes sense to listen to the people who are "out in the field" doing these shops.... The end client drives the process, of course, but, imo, a good MSC will consider feedback from its experienced shoppers when making recommendations to the client.
Birdy, as shoppers, what do we know? According to companies like this; nothing. That's why their executives get paid the big bucks... to tell us what we know.
I agree, the best way to handle things would be to bring a shopper or two on board as advisors; to help shape the reporting process and help make the reporting form more shopper-friendly.
They're supposed to be in the business of providing feedback to their clients, but are above receiving feedback from the people out there doing the difficult work.
Originally, I was told that was one reason they wanted me to schedule for them. I was a shopper and I could help the company with seeing things from a shopper's point-of-view.
I came to find out that these were just words. GfK treats shoppers like dogs and the schedulers jobs are to make the dogs fetch.
GfK is the reason I have had a bad taste in my mouth about trying to schedule for any other company. I attempted to move on and schedule with Integrity Consultants. Kelly Truelove, in many ways, is very shopper-friendly and accessible. As a scheduler post-GfK, this attitude was too little, too late. I was already soured on scheduling.
I know if I decided to get back into scheduling, I could make a definite impact and difference with scheduling success for any company I choose to become involved with; however, I can't go back to the duality I had to deal with when scheduling for GfK. Smiling to a shopper's face and being forced to deactivate them behind their back or give them a secret citation (SASSIE allows shopper citations to be made invisible).
Schedulers for GfK, just like shoppers, are considered expendable. They will run you and run you until the wheels fall off, then find another person.
GfK is down to 7 active schedulers. We had double of that when I was still there. We also had 6-7 clients. They are down to one major one and one unofficial client.
I don't have any ax to grind with GfK... I wish them well and success. However, we all know that success is unlikely unless some of the business practices change with them; including how they treat the contractors.
Arguing with fools is like playing chess with a pigeon...
...No matter how good you are, the pigeon will s@^t on the board and strut around like it won anyway.
Not scheduling for ANY company.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2016 07:55PM by DanteScheduler.