Okay, here's the updarte, and I can't thank you all enough for helping me get at least SOMETHING for my past work.
I still hadn't contacted Carey directly because I hadn't figured out what to say that wouldn't come off as snarky; I had to get rid of that energy first. Then, Dorita came into the discussion and asked me to please contact her. I really liked working with Dorita prior to this incident; I found her to be professional, but also just plain nice! We'd talked on the phone several times while she helped me figure out the whole SassieRover app that I was too inept to understand in my own. LOL
Life's been crazy the past two dayys, though, and before I had a chance to contact her, I received an email from Carey. I will cut and paste for you:
Hi there,
Since I haven’t heard from you, I thought I’d reach out. I still stand by the fact that I could not accept your assignment and had to fill it again; however, I want you to know, there are truly no hard feelings, and I know you made the trip and incurred costs.
I’m happy to compromise and pay you half of the bonus you were expecting. I will be issuing a payment of $125.00.
Let me know if you want to chat. I will be traveling next week, but email me and we can set something up.
Carey Medina
Senior Field Coordinator | Mystery Shopping
I accepted her offer. .. I figure half is better than zero! ;-)
Quick note re: the "BBQ restaurant attached to a gas station" claim:
I think some of the earlier questions you all raised about GFK using old stats might be something. As I said in my very first post, there was "a tire repair store" on this route. It lay on the corner of two major streets and was so run down that I had to walk up to the windows to see if they were even still in business! I remember that my first impression was that it was a gas station; there were no pumps, but it's probable that at one point, there were. The demographics of the area had clearly been depressed in recent years.
At any rate, there isn't currently gas, nor a hole-in-wall BBQ place attached.
Thank you again, all of you! I believe that, save for the public pressure, I'd never have gotten any kind of compensation from them. Whoot! I should hopefully have a check soon as we all know how fast GFK pays! HAHA