editing and MSC question

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From time to time I have seen editor opportunities posted, but not lately. If they are looking for editors, companies are likely to contact shoppers who have shown by their report performance and writing that they 'get it'. It is not the route to big bucks in the business :^)
I do think the majority of editors out there are ICs. I also see offers occasionally show up as emails or on the sites for MSCs, but have only seen one add for an in-house editor recently.

There are also editorial companies who provide services for MSCs that you can consider.
Thanks for the info! I figured that it wasn't the route to big bucks in the business. I'm not convinced there is a route to the big bucks smiling smiley. If there is, I sure haven't found it sad smiley.
...and then there is the husband who begs his wife to make ends meet by working as a lady of the night. She returns in the morning with $200.10. Husband is extremely pleased but adds "Who paid you ten cents?". She answers " Everybody"
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