I have just deactivated myself from Bestmark. They were never my favorite company, but they were not my least favorite, either. They pay pretty low, and their scheduling system is rather restrictive. However, they had some shops I thought were pretty easy and were in locations I would be at anyway. So I did a couple a month.
Last week I did a coffee shop for them. I have done this location and it's "friends" many times. I'll be the first to admit I have upon occasion ordered the wrong size or the wrong item once or twice and had to re-shop it. This nullified any profit I made, and made it a loss when you add in the time, plus two reports. However, I did it wrong, and so I make my mistakes right. But this time was not one of those.
So I did the report for this shop. Tuesday evening, while I am teaching, I get an email from an editor canceling my shop. Why? Because the last section of the report is blank (no questions answered, no narrative) and *I have not responded to her questions.* Huh? I have heard nothing from her. Till this. And I have a screen shot of every page. None of it is blank. So their system deleted my last page of input.
I write back instantly. No response from editor ever. I copied scheduler. No response from him, either. Wait. No response. Send email to scheduler again. Again, no response. Send third email saying I am escalating. FINALLY get "response" from scheduler. He tells me to take it up with the editor. (Ya, would that be the same one that hasn't responded in three days?) So I tell him I did, and that I copied him, and that she hasn't written back, and that if he won't help me, I'm escalating.
That got a response. He forwarded the email that never got to me, the one from the editor. I noted the editor does not use a Bestmark email address, so I am guessing a spam filter banged her out the first time. I really don't know, since I never got this email. But it has always been a bone of contention for me that their editors do not use Bestmark addresses, as I did
have this happen before with one of their editors who used @comcast (as did this one.) However that one called me as well, so I was able to answer her question.
I responded to the scheduler that if you look at my track record, I have always responded to their editors, and why would I stop now, especially when I already spent my own money?
The editor's decision stuck.
So I asked to deactivate myself. They do not pay well enough or allow enough scheduling flexibility for me to put up with that crap and the extra time I energy I spent on it. For a free coffee and $5? I know when it's time for me to say I have had it, and this was it for me with them.
I will be going after that money, since I have my screenshots of my report.
So make sure you keep yours. In case the same situation arises for you.
“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2010 07:39PM by dee shops.