SteveSoCal Wrote:
> My guess is that they may not fully comprehend how
> to utilize the paypal system without creating fees
> on the shopper end.
> The mass pay requires the funds to clear into the
> MSCs paypal account before sending them. It's
> usually a few days, like when you withdraw money.
> For a one-shot payment to you, they should have
> issued an echeck, which will make you wait those
> few days to get the money after it's issued, but
> will not result in a fee being charged.
> They obviously selected 'immediate payment', which
> has to be backed by a credit card if they don't
> have the funds in their account, and that's why
> you were charged a fee.
But why the change? Up until now, there has been no PP fee (she says, giggling) from AF during the years I've shopped for them.