Purchase & Return Shops

In their guidelines SEC does warn you that cash and check purchases get refunded by check and we all know that takes weeks. I used a bank card in the credit card mode, it gets debited at once but credited sometimes only after five days, although credit is issued at the register as well. ( it may be the shoe store's way to recoop bank charges). Like Flash I never buy what I like. It is much easier to put on the "what was I thinking?" face.
Is there anything in the guidelines that prohibits a second purchase of something you need or like ?

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These are rediculous shops when they want you to wait an hour before you return the item.....Or worse then that, is when they require a return the next day or later. These cheapo shops are not worth my time for what little they pay.
Au contraire, Huskie9, at least not for me.One shoe shop $35 + handbag shop $35 + $15 sunglass shop + $15 sporting goods = $90 all at my two mile away mall, shops are hour and a half; reports are longer maybe 2 hours; returns and entry 30 minutes; the spending hangover and renewed appreciation for bank shops: priceless.
I do P&R if it is a convenient location, or a place I do shops frequently. The sun glasses are in the mall, so I can do that one first, do another shop, and return after half an hour. Same with the cosmetics.
The biggest P&R I did was a bicycle for $450. I got paid $50, so I didn;t mind going back.
I used to do P & R's and the return was 2 hours after the purchase of about $25. I do not do them anymore unless they are bonused.
You know, I did a shop today that was an optional return and I fully planned to return right away. All the MSC wanted to know is if I was offered a credit card with a $50 or more purchase. Since this was at Toys R Us, and my youngest is 19, I thought what could I possibly want to keep? I was just going to grab anything that totaled $50 but then I thought a moment. The store was empty, I do have a 10 year old nephew and he does have a birthday and then Christmas coming up. Two lego sets at approx. $25 each and those gifts are taken care of and I don't have to set foot in that crazy store at the holidays or worry about finding time to get him something, because when the holidays arrive, my part time job goes full time. I feel very proud of myself. And the report has got to be about the easiest I have ever filled out. Didn't even need the name of the cashier. Were you offered a credit card? Were you offered anything else? Scan your receipt.
SEC pays above average, the return section takes 2 minutes and I always use my CC card, never a debit card....by the time I return no interest is charged. For me it works to return the same day, no second trip. I do less than I use to, but I woudn't badmouth this MSC, as they are fair, aways pay and you can "just say no" They are strict as to who can shop for them, as you first have to pass the test. The above posts sounds ike a taste of sour grapes....not you Carol.

Live consciously....
57carol Wrote:
> You know, I did a shop today that was an optional
> return and I fully planned to return right away.
> All the MSC wanted to know is if I was offered a
> credit card with a $50 or more purchase.

I did that shop too, Carol. My purchase requirement was between $20-$25. Easy, huh? Well, actually, not so much, LOL. It was difficult to find something exactly in that price range! I finally did, and when I got to the register, I found it was on sale! Had to go back and find something else that hit the right amount. But yes, the shop itself was easy. :-)
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> SEC pays above average, the return section takes 2
> minutes and I always use my CC card, never a debit
> card....

Yes, the SEC return sections are every easy. I just did my first purchase only shop for them. The only thing about SEC to be careful of with that kind of shop is that they require the original receipt to be mailed in. So, don't take one of these SEC shops unless you're able to buy something you want to keep. Unfortunately, the purchase exceeded the reimbursement, but I regarded the shop as getting a deep discount on something I can use.
Unless I missed something, not for the shops for which the actual purchase is reimbursed -- DID I miss something?
Was it a shoe shop? I just did a SEC P/R shoe shop Labor day weekend and was able to scan and upload.
No, as referred to above, my last two posts were about a PURCHASE only shop, in which the item is actually reimbursed. For this type of shop, SEC requires you to mail in the original receipt in order to be reimbursed.
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