Purchase & Return Shops

What is the most you will lay out for a purchase and return shop?
Has anyone ever had a problem not being able to return an item?

I have been turning down purchase and return shops and am wondering if it is worth it.

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So far I've only done one and it was just on a $5 item. I tend to not find them worth it either. Most that I've found pay pretty low commission.
I avoid purchase and return shops overall because of the nuisance and low fee for it being really two shops (the purchase and the return). The most I have laid out for one of these was a little under $200 for sunglasses and there was no issue at all with the return.

I am more likely to do purchases that are not part of a P/R where I am not reimbursed so feel free to return the item promptly. These shops tend to pay more than a P/R and have only one report.
I avoid P/R shops as much as possible.

The pay is rarely enough to justify two visits to a store and the additional forms required. Though I understand the need to evaluate the return process, it just seems that many companies are moving to P/R shops as a way to save $$.

I had to do a return as part of a travel shop last month and was dreading it from the moment I read the instructions. Turns out the item they asked me to purchase is not able to be returned. It was printed in big letters at the bottom of the receipt, but I had to attempt the return none-the-less, since they may have testing the policy for all I knew.

Turns out the client was just trying to save a few bucks and had no idea of their own return policy. They reimbursed me, but what a hassle!
Try searching here for P and R and Purchase and Return. I know we talked about this a few months ago, too.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I have been MSing for 6 years now and will not do P&R's ever. I agree with everyone else on this; the $'s are too low for what is really 2 shops and 2 reports. If you are new to MSing it is a good way to get your name out there with the schedulers but even then you have to consider if it is really worth your time.
When I first started (4yrs. ago), I was gun ho. I purchased a coat from Barney's for $1750.00 (on sale yet). I fell in love with the coat, but had to return it, and did. No problem with anything, they accepted the return the following week. I no longer do that, but work for one company that has a small purchase return (10.00), and you "could" return the same day, so, I had lunch and returned, never a problem (as long as you have the receipt). Now that client, changed everything in Dec., you have to wait one day to return, same price. That means two seperate trips, (gas is close to 3.00 in L.A.), I can no longer do these, and I enjoyed them, but they are about 20 to 30 miles, I did different locations. Another shop goes bye bye!! They have the greatest scheduler, who apoligized and said shoppers are very unhappy about this. I will purchase and return only if it's a small purchase and return is same day.

Live consciously....
Retail, in general, is not worth it to me, even if there's no return required. I make an exception for retail where I get a decent fee ($15 minimum) and reimbursement for a purchse, OR no fee and a large reimbursement at a store that I can use for purchasing holiday gifts, for instance. I picked up quite a few great christmas gifts this year, ranging from a hummingbird feeder to a great dog toy to specialty chocolates. But returns? Never!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I saw the T.V. purchase and passed. The company I mentioned above had many complaints,shoppers did not want to do this, and changed the return back to the same day...got my job back. March has been very busy for me, how bout you guys?

Live consciously....
I've done P/Rs for Service Evaluation Concepts. A shoe shop pays $27. You're right the return is a second shop. However the R report is usually brief.I often schedule another shop in the neighborhood on the R day, another store, bank or just lunch. I also shop those clothing stores w/minimum $15 fee + $10 & up reimbursement. I have a closet full of gifts.
I have this one shop that constantly hawks me with this offer, that I go to the store by these shoes in the amount of $130.00 and then return them. All my senses say do it but my gut says 'No because there may be a foul-up and then there goes my money! I can't see that but they keep sending the e-mails perhaps me thinks that's why they don't have any takers??smiling smiley) and they say just use cash don't they know that there is a real recession going on here?
I hate it when I make a small purchase, love the item, and don't want to return it....guess that's why I'll never get rich doing this. Have two purchase returns this week, for the company that changed back to returns the same day, like this shop, fun for me to browse and see what's new...pay 20.00 and if I ask get a small bonus. Fabulous scheduler, very much on the shopper's side.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2010 06:11PM by Irene_L.A..
When I have a P&R (which I rarely do unless the $$$ really speak to me), I just pick up something I could care less about because it makes it so much easier to return. I've grabbed baby clothes, awful teen age young men shorts, coffee grinders and other useless to me items so that there is no possibility of keeping the stuff and it cuts the time in store down about 75% because I'm not looking for something I like. The stores we shop rarely offer the best values in my market, so I'll be spending my money elsewhere.
The purchase and returns I have been offered are for a low fee $10-15. I have not seen any for more than that.

I still wonder if any one had a problem returning an item and not being about to get their money back.
I have gotten $75 for p/r at high end stores with
200 dollar purchases.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
kittybratt Wrote:
> The purchase and returns I have been offered are
> for a low fee $10-15. I have not seen any for
> more than that.
> I still wonder if any one had a problem returning
> an item and not being about to get their money
> back.

SusanMB shared a bad experience. It was a cash outlay and integrity. Believe she swore off such shops afterward. [www.mysteryshopforum.com]
But I believe she was told up front that she could not return the item for refund but only for store credit.

Different states have different laws regarding the ability of customers to return products. Most stores have their return policy posted in the store (at least in my area). Obviously there are some items that cannot be returned. In my area even packaged underwear is usually not returnable even when the package is unopened. Similarly swimwear is usually not returnable. Clearance items are not returnable in some stores. Within those guidelines I have never had an issue returning items with a receipt and rarely even without a receipt if the product is still in the original packaging with the original store tags in place.

For me the real issue with P&R shops is that at best it is two trips to the store and at worst it is two trips to the store with two separate reports for too small a fee.
Yes, I only will do P/R at stores that I know will do a return AND process it promptly with credit back to my card.

Susan did have a horrible experience, but it was not the store that made it so, it was the "sub-MSC/scheduling firm" she dealt with, that had been paid for the return funds due Susan by the main MSC, but then kept them instead of paying Susan per the upfront, agreed upon terms.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Dee, we never get $75.00, too many shoppers in L.A., (30.00 is the most).

Live consciously....
I usually don't like purchase and return shops. Too much work for one fee, and many of the purchase/returns require a large amount purchase and the pay is not very high. Not worth it to me, although the jobs seem to fly off the job boards here so apparently it is worth it to many shoppers.
I've done quite a few, actually. For me, it depends on the pay, and the time frame and location of the return. There's one I've done 3 times and would do again -- the only drag with that one is that the return has to be at the same location. BUT, at least you don't have to return it on the same day and if you don't, the return portion of the survey is not required.

I did my first purchase and required same day return to store this past week, which was easy and good paying, relatively speaking.
The pay is the first issue for me - don't expect me to do two shops for one price. Then the other issue is when the return is done. If you dictate to me when it has to be done, you *will* pay me well for that. You are setting my schedule for me, and I don't like that. :-) If I can do it when it is convenient for me, and it pays well enough, and I am sure the company will do a no hassle credit to my card, I will do it.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I do one on a regular basis in my area. Purchase and return the same day and the location is relatively close.
The shop I do monthly has a policy of return only with receipt, otherwise store credit is available. I love shopping, so browsing for an item is right up my alley. I purchased a great pair of sunglasses (which I needed) for only $10.00 and really did not want to return. I'm going to ask if they will give reimbursement, but, I guess they won't as then it won't be a return...duh!!!

Live consciously....
there are shops providing these services

[URL= [url]http://www.onestopplus.com[/url]] plus size dresses [/URL]
[URL= [url]http://www.onestopplus.com[/url]] plus size swimwear [/URL]
[URL= [url]http://www.onestopplus.com[/url]] plus size clothing [/URL]

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
In their guidelines SEC does warn you that cash and check purchases get refunded by check and we all know that takes weeks. I used a bank card in the credit card mode, it gets debited at once but credited sometimes only after five days, although credit is issued at the register as well. ( it may be the shoe store's way to recoop bank charges). Like Flash I never buy what I like. It is much easier to put on the "what was I thinking?" face.
Is there anything in the guidelines that prohibits a second purchase of something I need/ like ?
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