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Has anyone done any hotel shops for business solutions. I would be interested to know how much work is involved.


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I did one a few months ago. It was pretty labor intensive in that they want you to evaluate a lot of different areas and employees. You must get names and/or descriptions of each person listed on the report, as well as answers questions AND provide a narrative for each section.

I've never done a hotel shop before, so I don't know if this was a typical report.

My recommendation is to take your laptop with you and enter the report information as you do it. Don't wait until you get home, or you'll be writing forever. The good thing was I had 24 hours after checkout to submit the report.

I had to leave by 10 am because of a previous commitment, and checkout was noon, so I think if I had stayed longer I'd have had some time to actually enjoy the hotel.
That sounds fairly normal for a hotel shop. The ones I have done for Freeman you need to get the report in by 5PM the day you check out, if I recall correctly. So you needed to leave the hotel with everything written up and ready to go except the check out, departing valet, bell hop, etc.
I decided not to take this hotel job. It looked like way too much work. If their are any slip ups and I don't get paid, I would be out over 800.00. Maybe if they contact me for a place I really want to go (not NYC), I will do it.
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