The type of work you're referring to is called "Field Services". It's when the third party hired by the bank goes by once a month or so, takes pictures of the home, and checks up on the status of the home, the interior, damages, ect. Each inspection doesn't require much, but you're also not paid very much. Often, you get between $4-6 per inspection. If there is more involved, then you will be paid more.
The downside to this is depending on the climate you live in, the home may be infested with mold. I do this type of work on occasion. There is one home where there are mold spores litrally growing on the wall due to all the moisture. I'm paid $35 to go in there, wipe the windows and vacuum the floor once a month. It's definately not something for the faint of heart and you want to have very good ventilation when going into these homes. Investing in a mold mask is something else you may want.
Sometimes these homes are not in the best of neighborhoods. Occasionally, you'll have to deliver a note to some homes where people are actually still in the home, which tell them to call the bank immediately. You still have to take a picture of the home even if people are living in it. Sometimes you don't make contact with the home owner, you just take a picture of the home as required in the instructions. There is then a quick short form that you have to fill out for each home. I've had neighbors come up many times asking what I was doing taking pictures in the neighborhood sitting in front of their home (As you don't sit in front of the home you're taking pictures of)
There are many companies that do this. Going to google and typing in "field services" or something similiar will get you a list of companies..Or, like mystery shopping, type in "Get paid to take pictures" and you'll get a whole list of scammy sites that will charge you to get the same list of companies. They charge anywhere from $19.95-$89 for the same information.
This kind of work isn't for the faint of heart. When you do get a dispatch, you typically get 48 hours to go take the picture and get it submitted, so the turn around time isn't very long.