We're not a government agency, we only pay .35 cents/mile. If this is not up to your standards than maybe you wouldn't be interested in mystery shopping. If you change your mind, please let me know.

I frequently get employee's wearing other employee's name tags. A female clearly wearing a male employee's name tag. I will sometimes comment on it being a cute nickname and they will usually volunteer that they forgot their name tag that day so they borrowed a co-worker's badge.

I love the shops where the client wants us to get the employees' names but they do not wear name tags at all. And then the shops where all the employees basically have the same exact physical descriptions - all 20-something females, all the same race, all with long dark brown hair, all within the same height range, none wearing glasses. If the client wants us to get names, give the employees a damn name tag to wear!

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Sexual harassment is possible where 2 people are within 2 feet of each other. Not saying it did or didn't happen here. I am wondering how it was identified with a shopper. video review? If there was physical contact was law enforcement involved? Did the worker who was or wasn't harassed able to learn identity of shopper to pursue civil remedies?
Ooh, Sybil - I know exactly what you mean! One shop I really, really like, but can't wear any of the clothes, has an upper age limit. If they get into a bind, they'll waive it, and I buy costume jewelry. All the clerks on the floor are 20-something, thin, and have long, blond hair! The only difference is their height - and no name tags. This one has some flexibility, however, and will accept descriptions.
Clearly, this OP has an axe to grind since he posted this topic on another thread. Give it up, man, give it up.
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