Geary Robinson
(personal information removed)
8:11 AM (26 minutes ago)
to BestMark
My tone of voice. Your Department and your man that has this attitude. I can see you have a selected reading disorder.
(threat removed)
On Dec 22, 2014 3:16 AM, BestMark - Brian Neidt
(personal information removed) wrote:
Due to the unprofessional tone of your email, I have made the decision to terminate your profile. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Brain Neidlt
Senior Supervisor
(personal information removed)
On 12/19/2014 8:25 PM, Geary Robinson
(personal information removed) wrote:
Oh that's is right I live and work in USA not in the third world company you want me to work for.
On Dec 19, 2014 4:40 PM, Steve George
(personal information removed) wrote:
We're not a government agency, we only pay .35 cents/mile. If this is not up to your standards than maybe you wouldn't be interested in mystery shopping. If you change your mind, please let me know.
Thank you,
Steve George
On 12/19/2014 4:13 PM, Geary Robinson wrote:
Government says $ .56 which I charge round trip mile I have no problem doing three shops just need the right mileage amount.
On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Steve George
(personal information removed) wrote:
Unfortunately, I'm not able to send you on a 7 hour drive unless you're able to do 3 total locations. Would you like me to try to find a 3rd location in the same area? 315 miles would pay $110.00 in travel coverage. $0.35 cents/mile. Get back to me when you're able.
Thank you,
Steve George
(personal information removed)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Inquiry: Misc -
(personal information removed)
Date: 19 Dec 2014 09:35:53 -0600
(personal information removed)
Inquiry from website - Dec 19 2014 9:35AM
Contact Reason: Other
Name: Geary Robinson
(personal information removed)
State: CO
(personal information removed)
You have two car dealerships that need to be shopped. Will you increase the travel pay to $ 170 to cover the 6 hr drive time and 315 in mileage from 81323 to 87301
sent by...
Name: Geary Robinson
(personal information removed)
State: CO
(personal information removed)
PIL 1095
PIL 1095
PIL 1095
PIL 1095
Geary A Robinson
(personal information removed)
(personal information removed)
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